To be honest with you, I find social media to be a foreign world that demands I learn its language. It doesn’t care to learn mine. Perhaps this gets easier with time and experience. But in this day and age, you can no longer just place a listing in the phone book. Social media is the fastest-growing information exchange system, which makes it an easy way to enter the conversations and awareness of today’s world. Also, social media presence is a big part of how one’s relevance, popularity, and importance are ranked. In short, to have an online presence, social media is a must.
So we’re doing our part to keep up with the times. We now have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. We are posting new articles, videos, slideshows, quotes, and pictures daily. The social media team here at Mount Soma has been working very hard on all this. I am most grateful.
I like simplicity. I like having everything in one place on one website. With so many social media sites, I am concerned that many of you will not see posts that I feel are of value. In fact, just yesterday I found several of my articles on LinkedIn. My comments on Bible verses appeared on Google+. All sorts of things are showing up on Twitter.
Some of the sites you can find me on are listed below. Please check them out and “Follow” my accounts. Not only will this keep you current, but also the more you participate, the farther the reach of the Knowledge. Your activity on social media can end up reaching far beyond the people you know. Over time, a strong social media presence demonstrates authority in the eyes of the world.
So to keep up with all the things we will be offering online and to keep up with the current world trend, please if you have not already done so, take some time to become proficient with social media.
Michael Mamas social media accounts to follow:
LinkedIn articles apply the Knowledge to business and the workplace.
Instagram features pictures from daily events at Mount Soma.
Facebook, Google+, and Twitter were previously posting the same material, but they are increasingly diversifying. Collectively, they will direct you to much of what is being published elsewhere.
Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. Sometimes it just feels like another invasion, another something that you have to change. But sometimes that change can change your world.
I just now noticed on our Linkedin page that if you click on the ‘see more’ button right below ‘Published by Dr Michael Mamas’ a full page of new articles and things come up. I am sure to people who are familiar with social media that something like that is obvious. But I keep discovering ‘obvious’ things on our social media pages even after I have visited them many times. On the one hand, that is sort of fun. On the other hand, it makes me wonder if people like me are not finding things on our social media pages. At least for me, it takes time to get comfortable with new sites.
I must admit that I grudgingly got on to Google+ and LinkedIn at your request. I just found out how to post an event on FB. Overall it’s a very positive thing. I will get on the other sites so we don’t get lost in the clutter.I must admit there is a certain magic about clicking on a button to see what is there…often interesting sweet surprises.
My experience with Social Media is one of constant exploration and constant discovery. I thought Twitter would be obnoxious and shallow; I have been delightfully surprised that it has become a favorite! There are groups, organizations, and individuals around the world, each seeking to make sense of life, the self, spirituality, and existence. Social media is a tool many are using to allow them to share and discuss their inner exploration with others across the globe! I’m excited we are joining in this global conversation more.
Look into using an application like Hootsuite to manage all of your social media platforms. With an application like this you can write once and publish everywhere… Keep up the good work!
I couldn’t agree more. Social media sites are a bit frustrating to me as I try to maneuver and do things but don’t really know how. It calls for patience and acceptance that there’s a learning curve. They certainly don’t seem as intuitive as, say, Amazon. Oh well. Practice makes perfect.
Can someone recommend an app to manage the social media sites? I’ve heard such a thing exists but I don’t know the name. I think it allows to you see new posts and updates on multiple sites from a single login.
Instagram is getting more and more fun to visit as pics from everyday living as well as classes/retreats past and present are being posted. We should get some pics from the SF class when I am in California. I think it would be fun for the east coast people to see the facility, my Chinatown visits, etc.
Hayley, did you see Steven’s rec for Hootsuite, above? I do not know anything about it, but he might… In addition to the articles and videos, etc, that I have gotten to see from Mount Soma, I have also found (grumpily at first!) that getting involved with social media has helped me keep in touch with family and friends. So it has turned out to be a benefit for me on many levels. My stepkids are in happy shock; they’ve been trying to get me online for years. So, my family thanks you…
Something else people may not know about sharing: You can click on the icons below blog posts to quickly share a Dr. Michael Mamas blog to one of your social media pages (or to email it to someone).
I agree that learning all of these social media sites has been a challenge, but the feeling underneath is all seems very positive. We are helping to spread Dr. mamas’ teachings out to the world, and attempting to find new ways to promote his vision. There has been a lot of churning, but also a lot of progress. Already new people looking for information about Mount Soma and Michael Mamas have a ton more info at their disposal. Also, I think it makes us look more appealing.
I remember the early days of Mount Soma. I could immediately identify and was usually expecting every car that came around the bend. I knew everything that was happening here. Now it is its own world with so much going on. It is a great joy to experience the change.
Similarly, I recall when everything we posted on the internet I knew about beforehand. Now I am daily discovering new things on our social media sites. Instagram is my newest favorite. Clicking on each pic and reading the text that comes up is a lot of fun. I look forward to more and more new instagram pics.
Sometimes I jokingly say that my life is a composite of everything I swore I never…. Social media is certainly one of those. The funny thing is that as I have continually moved beyond my comfort zone, I am happier, healthier, and have a better quality of life than I ever thought possible.
The upcoming social media platform to look out for will be virtual reality which we are sitting right on the cusp of being a realization. It has the power to be a paradigm shift in such things.