Pardox ResolutionI was asked the following question regarding the previous blog, “Free Will and Predetermination are One: The Experience“:

I wonder, when first experiencing the gap, does one swing back and forth between the doer and the witness quickly and involuntarily?

To which I respond:

Yes indeed. At first before enlightenment, the witness is experienced briefly from time to time. Particularly at first, the gap between the witness and the doer is huge. In time, they coexist with no gap between the two. Desirelessness and desire, sequentiality of time and no time, free will and predetermination, efforting and effortlessness, control and no control… all these dichotomies merge (resolve, become the same thing). In the resolution of paradox they become one (unification). As is said, you and God are One. It is as if you live at the edge (mergence, junction, unification) between polar opposites… fully in the Absolute and fully in the relative at the same time.

There is so much confusion regarding “desirelessness”, for example. Desire in life does not cease in enlightenment. Just consider the story of so many saints, even Lord Rama. They have many desires. Yet they were simultaneously fully awake to the level within which is already one with everything and so can desire nothing.

Initially in early enlightenment, a gap between the two is experienced. In time, they coexist with no gap between the two. They are experienced as the same thing… two sides of the same one coin.

Early, unintegrated glimpses of enlightenment can enrapture one so much with the Absolute that for a time people may feel overwhelmed by that aspect of their being that is free from desire. It is also easy to make a long standing mood or attitude of freedom from desire. In time one moves past the overwhelm and confusion. Integration of paradoxes takes place and life becomes more natural.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.