I was asked the following question:
“How it is possible to enjoy a beautiful sunrise when there is suffering in the world?”
To which I respond:
When the rose blossom gets larger, so too the thorns naturally get larger. The world will always need two poles to spin around. Up creates down. Left creates right. With fame comes infamy. When there is affinity, there is aversion. This is the way of relativity… relative existence. It is said that in this age (Kali Yuga) negativity dwells in the hearts of people. In other Ages, it dwells far away in the dark forests.
I remember over twenty years ago when I taught in another school. The students loved me. This elicited jealously and resentment in other teachers. Fearing I would take away their students when I left, other teachers spread vicious rumors about me.
Yes, such things hurt when dwelled upon. But do not fret. Yin will always create yang. There is real beauty in the way of the world. Find the beauty.
Enjoy the sunrise.
Exquisite. Thank you!
Guiding us ‘beyond’ the negative side of relativity and giving examples of your experiences so deepens my commitment to evolving. Those examples comfort me when I’m in turmoil. So grateful to be in the presence of a Master.
Their fears did manifest – you did bring most of their students and teachers with you. Unfortunately, they couldn’t let go of the white-knuckling aspect of their belief systems. I guess, they chose not to embody the beauty of the world, since it is like passing through the eye of a needle. My decisions perpetuate my evolution, or not.
There is not a better way to start my day. This is a popular question amongst my family and others. I will share this with them and see if it helps.
Beautiful Picture Tanja
Thank you Brahmarshi
And just look at where the school is at now! Perhaps the thorn serves to move us away from what is not ours or what is not in alignment with us.
I love the comment of negativity dwelling in the hearts in the Kali Yuga and far away in the darkest forest. It gives me a sense of how it can be in the golden age with duality still in place.
Very beautiful. I’ve also often been the target of vicious rumors and know “beautiful” girls and women, daughters who have lived with it all their lives. They and I have often attempted to map out a social life and lifestyle that avoids that kind of negativity. It’s not easy.
There’s a line from a play where an ethnic Mother tells her son, “Ya know son, if they’s a shootin atcha then you must be a doin somethin right. Just remember to duck!”
It happened that I meditated under a tree this morning and the sun was rising just when I finished. I caught a glimpse of it, smiled and went back in to jump into my computer and see your blog (my daily routine). Beautiful morning. Thanks!
How much this blog enlivened me! A few weeks ago i was mulling on negative imaginings while I was pruning my mom’s rose bushes when they asked me “Do you want to see the roses or see the thorns?” I came to the conclusion that indeed I want to see the roses, but it’s a complete package. Just hoping for smaller thorns!
I also caught myself in the midst of a cross-realm transference lately, in the nature of if God wanted me to experience this turmoil, then it was not my fault. How easy to NOT live up to the responsibilities of this world, not accept my own responsibility for an action and blame God. Once again Maharshiji, you have illuminated the nature of reality for us. Thank you!
Your comment is beautiful and i appreciate you very much. Know that it is best to meditate indoors. The stillness in the room holds and reinforces the space. Even when there is no wind, the space outdoors is not contained and thereby is not reinforced outdoors.. so much of what you create in meditation would then spread out and away…. lost and gone …
So affinity creates aversion, liking somebody and disliking.
Even when enlightened?
I notice people 1 day they are best friend the next day they dislike each other and the day after they best friends again.
Is this just they way it is, yin and yang?
Even the deepest ocean has waves on the surface. But even in a great storm, no mud is stirred at the depth. The enlightened are in the world, but not of it.