Ancient Secrets: Root of Dharma, Water, Karmic Minds. Nov 8
This Weeks Unedited Notes:
Ancient Secrets: Root of Dharma, Water, Karmic Minds. Nov 8
Ancient secret of: Water takes on energy readily
wisdom’s paradox
A mirror that sees everything it has no opinion no bias
Shiva is the eternal silent witness the cosmic mirror
totally the same but completely different
Equanimity: what it is, what it is not…beyond personality
Distinction between Imagination and Fantasy
Karma + prana = mind [matter of proportion]
Lesson from ptolemaic dynasty, alexander’s general, volcanic eruption in arctic, no rain, overthrow by Rome post unrest due to famine
“Stalin’s gold” Ukraine grain
USA assets displaced
and the good news is:
powerful china/woke/progressive mentality current is unwinding
hurricane of notions spiraling out of control..
What is deranged in a deranged world?
Mentality currents spinning out of control but soon unraveling
Pivotal moment in history November 8
good news is the awakening of sleeping giant
Circumstances will never be exactly right to go forward…but standing still is not a viable option
Current events:
warfare in nuclear age is waged from within…undermine
Politics of debased civil discourse:
Character assassination gossip rumors
Tabloid mentality
Saul Alinsky: the politics of personal destruction
reverse racism, affirmative action vs want best airline pilot. Better VP, white house, spokesperson, etc
education out of control
commercials subliminal coersion
covid: MDs got out of their lane vs our grandmothers would have done better
Covid virus vaccine and treatments disaster [I told you so]
convoluted thinking ivory tower academics got too far out on a limb
Post Florida hurricane electric car batteries after exposure to saltwater become ticking time bombs tow truck companies refusing to tow them for fear they may spontaneously explode
95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director in new zealand
John Kennedy: “Too many people at the top getting bail outs.Too many people at the bottom getting hand outs. People in the middle getting the bill.”
SOCRATES: “Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.”
MM: Assuming you can discern whether they are wise.
The nation, the world, people are waking up so it is now time for onto the next great horizons
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I forgot to talk about water. We can do it next week.
Once again, a lot of great info to mull over. I am fascinated by the perspectives from history you bring in. Feeling for where humanity is still sane; it feels like everything is under attack. I am dismayed by the tone of the political commercials and trusting I will make an educated move to a sane direction with my vote.