Another one of my articles was just published on Elephant Journal. This one takes a look at the student loan debt crisis and discusses how to move past the limited thinking that got us into this predicament.
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- Read the article, The Solution to the Student Debt Crisis.
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Wonderful article here! I know for me when I started looking deeper within environment began to change. Looking deeper is the catalyst for real change because on the surface is where all the confusion resides. I am not sure how many people function in the way Dr Mamas does and quite sure the people running our government do not however imagine if we and they did.
Don’t just look at the man in the mirror..go deeper
Great Article!
Thank you!!!
I have spent years in higher education, both as a student and as an educator. Now I work for a non-profit delivering curriculum to help first year college students be successful in their personal life, student life and future career. Sometimes I see the absurdity of me encouraging them to pursue a degree knowing that all of my degrees didn’t “guarantee” that full-time job directly related to my fields of study. But I do know that the piece of paper does help show dedication to a field of study and the ability to commit. I am basically asking them to buy into a model that is outdated and dysfunctional. With tuition sky rocketing, I wonder if I would take the same path today if I was in my late teens preparing for the next stage of my life. Would I be willing to take on that amount of debt? Education by itself needs to be reformed to prepare students to be successful for the ever changing job market because it is becoming irrelevant. Some may argue education is already irrelevant. I am coming from the perspective of an educator in a broken system designed for a different time based on the Industrialization of Education. Where do we go from here?
Fabulous article by Michael Mamas! It is such a hot topic and the issues at hand are so clearly outlined. I appreciate the challenge at the end to not just give this topic lip-service, but to do something that will really make a difference. If this advise was taken to all areas of life by people at large, it would be a different world.
Great article… I think shifting the group consciousness is the only way, and Dr. Mamas has laid a path for that, Don’t forget to meditate!