It’s easy to play the blame game. We invaded Iraq, made a bunch of people mad, and now they are retaliating. Government regulators were asleep at the wheel while the big banks abused the system, and now we have a financial mess. Decades ago, Monsanto dumped DDT all over the place and now we have way fewer butterflies and flocks of birds. The list of examples goes on and on.
Attempting to resolve all of these problems on a case by case basis may seem like an impossibility, and in fact, it is. We can and should do what is possible, but we also need to know that the real solution lies deeper. That solution is so incredible and yet so simple.
There is a root of health to all of life and all of nature. We have the ability, the technology, to enliven that root and free our planet from all of its woes. The root of life is called the Transcendent, the source of infinite harmony and coherence that birthed and sustains the entire universe. It’s just that simple. The question is, who will listen?
Thank you for boiling it down to the lowest common denominator. What does addressing the problem on it’s deepest level actually look like on the personal, national and global level???
Hmmm. I think that this approach happens on a different level than the personal, national, and global levels. On the national level it might look like our leaders making decisions that make sense for a change! But that would probably happen because they’re making the decision from a different place. Maybe it would look like more people, including our leaders, seeing the wisdom of taking some time to meditate every day.
I appreciate you saying that we cannot solve the problems on a case by case basis, and instead, we must go deeper. To me, that makes a lot of sense.
Thank you for integrating the day to day challenges with spiritual knowledge. This blog takes those global concerns and puts them into a bigger, much more useful perspective.
Will it begin with an enlightened city as the root? This makes sense to me, because meeting violence and disappointment at its own level has never seemed to work. Maybe in the short term, but long term it just flares back up.
I sure hope people will Listen….. Hello is there anyone out there!!!!
It makes sense we can not do anything from a case by case basis. Your answer is so clear, so how do we get all people to go deeper?
Thank you for your words!!!
The solution to all problems is in the Transcendent, which lies deep within each of us. If we can all go within (on the personal level) would it be easier for national leaders to agree on the solutions on the national and global levels?
The solutions to all problems is in the Transcendent, which lies deep within each of us. If we can all go within, would it be easier for national leaders to agree on solutions on the national and global levels?
Something to think about!
I wonder what it might look like on the surface if the root of life were enlivened? Would a suicide bomber decide to put down his bomb? Would leaders actually listen to each other? Hmmm….
I don’t think this is only about the “other people” out there and if they would only listen the world would be a peaceful place. It would certainly help if more people were open to proper meditation and sincerely interested to evolve, but in my opinion every one of us can do more than we are currently doing to help further this cause as well.
The question is who will meditate?
Marconi knew how to build a radio that would transmit across the atlantic. However, it took time before anyone would fund its construction. New technologies have always been met with skepticism. The technology I speak of is there. We only need to build it. Certainly, people are part of that technology… the technology of consciousness… There is a great deal of science behind the technology. Few are willing to sit and listen long enough for it to sink in. Once again, that is the history of new technology, especially when the science is such a quantum leap beyond current convention. Remarkably this ‘new’ technology is actually ancient, just long forgotten. All the details must be adhered to diligently. As some of those details were forgotten, the technology declined. Part of the elusive nature of this technology is that it takes time to feel the effects on a global level. It is not an on/off switch sort of thing. However, individuals can rather quickly experience the effects in their own lives.
Awesome blog!