As you evolve, your sense of Self grows to include all that is. As that occurs, you become overtaken by the Cosmic Flow… the Unified Motion of the Divine, which permeates and includes all that is… an “unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion”.
It is not a Selfless state as some claim. It is in fact the opposite.
The following quote alludes to this state, though is only a mere echo of it. This is beautiful in that it speaks of the inner sense within all humanity that points in the direction of the Divine – the destiny of all to awaken to who and what they truly are… one with God.
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” – Albert Einstein
Lovely….. Much better then there is a dot and a circle… Be the circle… Leaving out the part that in order to be the circle you got to connect the dots… 🙂
Sorry… I guess my analogy was too abstract to the point it was unrecognizable.
I was complimenting you on how eloquent your writing was. In my mechanically primitive analogy, the dot was the small self contained within the circle of the unbounded self… Be the circle is the mind’s feable attempt to think itself to unboundedness…the course as you and Al have described allows your small self to grow through connection with other selfs…so through others you accelerate your expansion to your Self.