In my longing for Truth, I went inward.
I became full… and overflowing…
I then returned to the world…
… to offer what I had gained
… to teach
… to heal
But then there were too many to heal one by one…
So I began teaching others to heal…
But to heal is not to learn techniques
To heal is to be… to be established in your own being…
… in your own true nature
… which is to say, in your spiritual nature
… once that is attained, the ability to heal comes naturally, with every breath.
So I now focus on cultivating the spiritual growth of individuals… of groups of individuals… of the world
There is so much wanting in this world…
To answer every wanting on its own level is not possible…
There is no end to all those wantings on all those levels…
But to bring fulfillment to all wanting by introducing individuals to their True Nature
That is attainable
That must be the fixity of purpose
There is a natural inclination to answer every wanting…
But to remain focused on the highest purpose… is my purpose… is our purpose.
I reflect on your words as I struggle with my cold. I realize my life’s imbalances and my need for inner work. Thank you.
Nowhere is the wanting more evident than here. Cannot even look out my window and not notice. Your words helped, thank you. Jai Guru Dev.
Recently I was feeling slightly irritable over the number of people who wanted my services, my books were so full, and I had not scheduled any “me” time. I realized I only wanted what everyone else also wanted. My “me” time is early in the morning with mantra, Surya Ram meditation, reading the Gita for a little while, then a some yoga; it now just looks different than the old patterns I had of “me” time. With that being said, I still have scheduled a massage for next week and several Christmas parties. And I am giving my clients the option of seeing me since I too have a cold I’m moving through. Wondering if I am in fact dealing with that old pattern of doing to much until my body gives me a reason to take a break and reflect. Razor’s edge…
This sparks my passion for our purpose, which is to support your purpose.
At first my thought is “I don’t understand all this wanting of people out there”. Then I notice my wantings not of material things so much as for inner ‘things’. Yes, so much wanting within and without… I smile to myself.
Your blogs are a lifeline for me when I’m feeling tossed around in the sea out here. I marvel at the timing.
I’m on a trip visiting stores in Utah, Nevada and Colorado and found myself driving into Las Vegas last night, feeling the pull of all the wanting that comes out of this city. I’m visiting 4 bakeries in the vicinity and have felt anxiety about helping them. The economy has not been good for small neighborhood businesses and they’ve experienced a variety of struggles. I want so much to help them the best I can with their business (that’s my job as a support person/consultant but it’s also my passion to help them). As much as I want to wave the magic wand to fix everything, I know it’s not possible. I’ve had the desire to be a healer for a long time. I haven’t even known what that meant exactly, it’s just a desire in my heart. This blog so hit the nail on the head for me. The best way I can help anyone I care about is to rest into my own being, to continue to learn from you, to continue this journey, to discover my True Nature. Yes, to do the best I can for the people I work for with the experience and knowledge I have, but also to understand I can only do so much. I know I need to be patient (not my strength!) but tenacious at the same time. I don’t want to ever lose sight of the goal, to remain focused. Thank you so much for your guidance.
There are so many needs out there – so many worthy causes to fight for; local, national, international. I’ve decided to not partake in any but keep my nose to the grindstone and plug away at my own evolution. My hope is that in doing so I will help ease all those needs.
Yes: “But to remain focused on the highest purpose… is my purpose… is our purpose.”
Thank you.
Beautifully said.
Jai Guru Dev. 🙂
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful blog! I am touched and my heart yearns for what you speak of. To be established in such depth is what I long for. Teaching high school students again has me in my stuff more than I would like, when all I long for is to walk into the room rooted in such depth and nurture it in them as well. Brahmarshi I did what you suggested and got myself a stool to help me stay “seated” and it really really really helped me! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all you share.
Poetry…Beautiful…Your words make my heart sing!!
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
Live long, and prosper.
Your knowledge, through the years, has brought such peace and serenity to my being. Expanding my consciousness beyond the personality level and focusing on the true self brings me fulfillment beyond words. I am learning to communicate the knowledge using words as my medium.
My gratitude for exhibiting that knowing to all of us, each day, cannot be expressed in words, only felt in the depths of my heart. To watch each person’s soul blossom is a wonder within itself. Thank you. Jai Guru Dev.
Thanks for staying the course; truth. Teaching by being…no finer way.
As I have stated on many prior occasions..”It is a great time to be alive!!” I simply love being amongst a group of souls so beautiful.
Thank you Brahmarshi..without you that would not be.
Beautiful…thank you, lifetimes…
Jai Siva Sankara