Another thing I like about the fitness world in general, and about my trainer in particular, is the strong results orientation. Do what works! If it doesn’t work, stop doing it! This makes his following declaration quite interesting. “Do not associate with negative people. Stay away from them. Get them out of your life!” That is easy to understand on a philosophical level, but in the real, results-oriented world of fitness, it is more compelling. It works!
When I was in the ashram, we always favored positivity. Note, that is different from oblivion. Eyes can be wide open while you favor a positive approach. It is important to know, not believe but know, there is always a solution. If you think there is not, your world is too small… you are not thinking broadly or patiently enough.
The world today is addicted to negativity. The news broadcasts are not really the news. They are all skewed toward negativity. Even worse, most people live their lives in that way – one crisis after another, interrupted by periods of worry as they await the next crisis to erupt. That is no way to live; yet it is a pandemic addiction. Know that an addiction is not just to something you like. In fact this addiction to what you do not like, crisis, is perhaps the strongest and most common addiction of all. Addiction is habit.
I remember when I was a kid. Everything was fine. Life went on day to day and stability was taken for granted. Imagine living your life that way. Imagine viewing your life as a stream of one joy on to the next, with periods of calm contentment between them. Because you are no longer a child, you are not oblivious. You plan and act wisely and responsibly, but the state of your mind is not negative or in crisis mode. You are positive. You understand that life is fine… things work out.
Life is a bell curve. Yes, there is the rare instance of the guy who was, for example, sleeping in his bed when a sinkhole erupted taking him away never to be seen again. But such things are way, way far out to the edges of the bell curve of life. Worrying, worrying, worrying, in anticipation of the next crisis is life destroying in and of itself. Yet ‘the news’ bombards us daily with reports of the sinkholes of the day.
Some are taught to take nothing for granted. However, there is one thing you can and should take for granted: Nature supports. Your nature and Mother Nature are supportive to your life. Life has a way of working out. Free yourself from the addiction to crisis. Appreciate yourself. You are a resourceful and capable being. That is your greatest asset, certainly greater than some money in the bank. Somewhere along the line people stopped believing in themselves. Then they turned to God and spirituality as a crutch to lean on. No! It is not a crutch, it is your greatness… It is the greatness of life, of humanity, of nature, of YOU.
Positivity breeds the positive in your life. Everything is fine. You are fine. Life is good. When challenges arise, they are challenges, nothing more. You will be quite capable of dealing with them. Find contentment within and act from THAT place within you. That is your home base. That is your touchstone. That is the true nature of life. When everything is quiet, you naturally and spontaneously settle into the silence of contentment… peace… shanti. When you put your head on your pillow at night, know that everything is fine. Life is positive.
thanks for point out, especially with the negative preconceived notion, add tons of fear in one’s daily life.
Yes Positivity!
Yes Nature Supports!
Yes Self Appreciation!
Jai Guru Dev!!!
I can just imagine the incredible wave of positivity and healing that would envelope the planet if everyone in the world would read this today. I take comfort in knowing that our group consciousness is planting the seed to grow.
This is a very good blog for me. This sentence in particular can keep me pondering my relationship with: ” Imagine viewing your life as a stream of one joy on to the next, with periods of calm contentment between them.”
Beautiful blog. I was just listening to a class cd where you said everything is “Yes”. You said there is no “no”. I have a tendency to give up so easily. These words really help with our adoption process. I find I need to think about each next step instead of the end result. This helps me not focus on the negativity. Thanks Brahmarshi and all you deep divers out there at Mt Soma—I can feel your influence.
What a great topic to blog on. This relates to every living person; it certainly opened up some churning to see where I need to use positive reinforcement in my thought patterns. Thanks.
I wanted to write a response, but I couldn’t find the words, so I sat with this for several minutes and just waited. Then, there it was…that feeling from deep inside where the truth of all that is comes from. Such a soft, sweet feeling of peace and contentment welled up and made its way through me.
Thank you again and again and again for teaching us and loving us the way you do, Brahmarshi.
Do you have any thoughts on paranoia since it seems to be everywhere?
The line “Worrying, worrying, worrying, in anticipation of the next crisis is life destroying in and of itself” really hit home for me. I am aware of how the fear of the next impending crisis steals the joy out of life and leads to psychological and physical dis-ease. The more one focuses on the negative the stronger those brain circuits become and habitual fear and worry continue to grow and engulf one’s life which in turn makes those negative circuits even stronger – a very vicious cycle indeed. Perhaps remembering your words “Everything is fine. Life is good” whenever I first notice worry overtaking me will help build positive brain circuits, strengthening positive thinking and diminishing my old negative habitual thoughts. Your comment, “when you put your head on your pillow at night, know that everything is fine,” sounds absolutely heavenly to me. Do you have any other specific thoughts on how to switch over to a life filled with positivity rather than worry,worry, worry? I’m definitely ready for a change!
Yes indeed Tracy,
The deep dive course is having a palpably serene influence all through the days and nights.
Hats off the to group. Right technique, right attitude, right influence for the whole world. To be at this course is to be truly blessed.
Someone once said they hesitated to move to Mount Soma because they thought they should be in ‘the real world.’ I responded, “Do you really think that pinball machine you live in the the real world?” That is the problem. You bathe in the ocean of paranoia every day and wonder why you are paranoid. Why do you do that? Because you believe in it so fully. Come to Mount Soma and bathe in the waters of truth, reality, the real world. When you first arrive, and the dross of negativity washes away, it may be disconcertingly unfamiliar. It takes some time to come off of the addiction.
Paranoia is the natural result of chronic negativity. You have the formula, Charlie. You know what you need to do. You just refuse to do it. The choice is yours and yours alone.
Such a beautiful blog! Just yesterday, in the face of some newly discovered challenges, I felt this serene sense that everything was going to be OK. I felt enveloped within and without by God’s love, the underlying beautiful support of nature. Then I felt a wave of feeling presumptuous for thinking that I was loved and supported! I immediately realized I don’t THINK I’m loved and supported, I KNOW it’s true in the depth of my being. Although things may not always go the way I think they should at times, I know they’re going in the right direction. As a result of what happened this week, I did some research and discovered information that’s very beneficial. It would not have happened without the bump in the road. Life has some amazing twists and turns – tacking, learning to discern, and learning to go with the flow of nature’s leading, that inner guidance, is an ongoing process. Your blogs are always so helpful to me. Like Tracy, I’ve been feeling the support of what’s happening at Mt Soma. It’s amazing. Thank you.
This is very beautiful and uplifting. I feel a mass of negativity, and I feel I am polluting everyone around me with my negativity. I apologize to you Brahmarshi and everyone here at the ashram and the deep dive. I am wired to chronic fear, worry and anticipating the worst. I can see how childhood patterns, and my marriage only enforced what was there, and has made a really strong karmic loop. At this time, it is so challenging to be without a voice or unable to share my perspective. I think this adds to my festering negativity as another issue gets stuffed. Thank you to everyone for your patience with me. Jai Guru Dev.
Such an amazing path to follow for living one’s life. I wish I had learned it when I was two years of age. Actually, come to think of it, I KNEW it then and for quite awhile….and then I forgot. This blog can take one miles and miles. The deep dive course is fantastic…. greater than I ever anticipated.
Thank you for this entry; it is a good and timely reminder.
It is all fine. Do not waste time being negative about your negativity. It just is. With an accepting attitude toward your negativity, you will release it by allowing it to flow through and out of you.
Also, I understand that you feel you are “without a voice or unable to share my perspective”. At the same time, you feel you are “polluting everyone around me with my negativity”. So you see, your voice is being heard isn’t it? Nothing is getting “stuffed”. We hear you. Often people feel they need to pound away at others to be heard. This is not correct. A subtle whisper… actually just a wisp through the ethers… is quite enough. You ARE heard. ‘No need to feel “festering negativity as another issue gets stuffed”. In spite of what they may say or do, know that they do in fact hear you loud and clear. You are a powerful being. It is just for you to know it.
Excellent Blog, so fitting and so true. I would say that finding our way through the negativity around us is one of the biggest challenges to face in our day to day lives. I have been feeling the shift over the last couple years from a relationship with God in terms of a “crutch” to more of a feeling or knowing that God is continuously supporting everything and my connection from within allows me to experience this more fully. My early morning meditation is so helpful in experiencing that peace (most of the time) and preparing me for my workday or any day were our inner peace can so often be attacked by the negativity that can surround us. I am working more and more toward embracing the knowledge that God provides infinite possibilities to shape our world in a positive way. To realize I have a major responsibility in that role is also important. By making a conscious effort to carry that peace with me throughout the day I have seen how people and events can easily change around me towards more positivity.
Thank you Brahmarshi for another wonderful blog.
Very poignant and timely.
What a wonderful blog! All you deep dive churners out there, thank you. Not being physically present at Mount Soma, I am still churning up some deeply buried stuff. Life is more even, no major swings of ecstasy or misery. After reading this blog I have decided to celebrate my creative imagination. I am sooo glad that I don’t create half of what I imagine. Can negativity be in the genes? Mom vocalizes, I imagine, but at least I can dampen my addiction’s negativity party and replace those thought with positive ones.
These lines hit home to me and gave so much comfort and antcipation, “Your life and Mother Nature are supportive to your life.” You are a resourceful and capeable being.” “That is your greatest asset, even more than money in the bank”. Thank you, because somewhere along the line I did stop believing in myself and your words made realize I didn’t know I had. Thank you.