Photo by Joy Anna Hodges

We live in a world of hues, shades, curves, and contours.  Everything is a multivariable equation.  How do we proceed in such a world?  How do we go about making responsible decisions? 

It is unfortunate that so many make a statement and thereby feel they must take a stand accordingly.  Otherwise they feel they made a mistake or are ‘waffling’, weak, or unstable.  To change one’s mind is then considered an assault on one’s ego, and admission of a flaw in one’s nature… a sign of weakness.   

Yet we can benefit so much by ‘floating an idea’, sharing our thoughts, and reflecting upon those notions together.  By doing so, thoughts evolve.  New perspectives are shared.  New information is gathered.  We then work together to wisely move forward in life.  We allow ourselves the freedom to put something out, see what happens, and adjust accordingly. 

Your thoughts do not define you.  Thoughts are cheap. They are not and should not be etched in stone.  Evolving them is precious.  Evolution of thought is not a sign of weakness, but rather, the nature of flexibility and inner strength.  A strong solid ego is flexible.  A person with a healthy ego is open to freely evolving their thinking.  By sharing our thoughts, we help one and other evolve our thoughts and our lives.  But when we take offense at another perspective or new information we freeze our growth.  When we judge others as weak when we see them shift, then we compromise our joint movement forward.  Admitting to an error is not a sign of a weakness or a flaw, but rather a sign of inner strength, of not being so vested in superficiality.  It is an indication of wisdom, an understanding and embracing of the nature of life with all its variables and changing hues, shades, curves, and contours.  It opens the door to the discovery of new information and facts. 

You are not defined by your thoughts or your current perspectives.  But if we must define one and other, then let us be defined by our willingness (or lack of willingness) to move forward and evolve our thinking and our perspectives.  People should be more willing to apologize without shame or embarrassment, but rather with, if anything, pride.  We can and should be proud of our flexibility!  

Like a sailboat tacking this way and that to reach the destination, we tack through life.  To do so, we need to tack with our thinking.  By floating our ideas, our thoughts, we can assist one and other to tack and evolve our thoughts, to then reach the distant shore.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.