Here is a great quote:
Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
Genius hits a target no one else can see.
– Arthur Schopenhauer
The mind usually operates through association. It sees something and interprets that based upon what it has seen in the past. That is the result of conditioning, i.e. samskaras.
Genius looks and sees what actually is. Genius is free of association. Genius can pull concepts and principles out of what it observes, not because those concepts and principles were already leaned but simply because they are there.
Everything is permeated with all the principles that exist in nature. True genius means freedom from conditioning, i.e. enlightenment. This is why an enlightened individual sees whatever observed to be pregnant with knowledge. All of life is seen in everything in life.
I drove my daughter to her lacrosse lesson the other day. We were talking about something when she teasingly made the comment, “You can’t just have a normal conversation can you?” I smiled and confessed, “No, I can’t.” To me everything is profound. Everything is magnificently deep.
All knowledge is everywhere and in everything. And most of it remains hidden in plain sight.
Our children can teach us volumes-if we would just let them.
They see a lot that we, as adults, overlook.
Awww, so beautiful