I received some lovely comments to the blog ‘True Happiness.’ One of them ended with:
“We have to make sure that we do not distinguish between our bounded and unbounded states making one more worthy than the other for both have equal worth… it’s the perspective that matters!!”
It is important to understand fundamental differences between the two levels. One that I would like to mention is that you cannot get the depth right by focusing on the surface. However, you can pretty much take care of the surface, through proper attention to the depth. Yes, it is important to put a great deal of attention on the surface, but for the most part, people do so to the exclusion of putting sufficient attention on the depth.
Similarly, water the root of a plant, tend to the root, and the rest of the plant pretty much takes care of itself. Tend as you may to the rest of the plant without providing the root with sufficient water and care, and the rest of the plant is doomed. This is the plight of Kali Yuga… too much attention to the surface.
That is not a matter of perspective. The laws of nature are what they are.
Now I do believe the writer of the comment I quoted above would agree with this. I just want to be sure that we all remains very clear on it. As I look around, most everyone lacks proper balance in this regard.
The Kingdom of Heaven lies within.
I have also heard that life takes care of itself if we allow it. Meaning, the more we surrender (the less we try to control the outcome), the greater ease there will be, the gentler the wind necessary for life to take the course it would take anyway. I would be most interested if you are inclined to comment. Many thanks.
Letting go and letting God… Yes. However, that is not an attitude, it is a state of physiology… a level of consciousness. Otherwise it just amounts to holding on to the notion of letting go.
A friend recently told me that he was amazed at how in control I am… He commented like it was a control issue and he was waiting for me to break in exhaustion.
I sat with it and pondered and felt into it with discernment and was like nope… not control…
Control is an identity that people maintain and that is a drain on a persons overall energy.
I am feeling a state of being at peace but I immediately could see how someone could observe peace or stillness and wonder what holds that together/what controls that to make it so…
kinda of like saying that tree over there is so controlling for just standing there still and not going anywhere… 😉
I guess the point is to say it is WORKING and THANK YOU!!!