The follow article was run throughout south India:



In response to which I received a number of lovely emails including the following:


I am still digesting the experience of being back there with you [during the temple inauguration], but it was powerfully moving.


When I would look at you during the ceremony, you seemed deeper than I’ve ever experienced.  Even now, in looking at pictures of you at the event, the darshan flows out much more strongly than before.


It might just be me, but it feels like a reality-changer.


Sanjay’s article seems to say it isn’t just me, and clearly he’s seeing the value of what is offered.


After years of wondering what it would be like if there was a temple, now we have direct experience… insert string of unfathomable adjectives here.


To which I responded:


It is all based upon the one fundamental premise: alignment with natural law. Few really understand what that means.


They may think instead, “Oh, he was persistent and that is what did it.” or


“Oh, he was bold and lucked out” or


“Oh, it could not have been alignment with natural law because he did not conform to my belief system of what that is supposed to look like” or


“Oh, he followed powerful Hindu philosophy and that is what did it.” or


“Oh, he was a persuasive speaker.”


Any amount of rationale will rise, but we know better.  The world is not as people have been lead to believe.


Alignment with natural law is not attained through superficiality: belief systems, religious codes, rules, being clever, or being shrewd.  It is much deeper.


It looks like nothing of this world because it is of that which transcends this world.


Many things claim to point in the direction of “it”, but nothing in the relative can really do that.


Truth is not a concretion.  Truth is an abstraction… no-thing-ness.    Yet it is to the concrete, to things, which humanity clings.  Alignment with natural law, means life in accord with that which transcends life.


As stated in the Veda, even the Veda finds fulfillment is it own annihilation.


To live better, humanity must learn to look deeper.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.