I just had two articles published – one on Entrepreneur.com and one on PositivelyPositive.com. Comments on the PositivelyPositive.com article are welcome (Entrepreneur.com doesn’t allow comments).
If you would like to share the articles, please use the social media post links provided. Enjoy!
“7 Personality Principles to Boost Office Productivity“
Social Media Posts:
“Personal Development Is About Freedom, Not Constraint“
Social Media Posts:
These are wonderful articles. They felt so soothing and compassionate.
Thank you for sharing these insights and perspectives.
Thank you for your knowledge. Many of these points and aspects of these points I have used and improved upon for several years. Now that my 16 yr run is ending, I truly have experienced the results of functioning in this way. I have had as many as 40 employees at one time and the challenges have been great. The love and respect that has been created within this company is something I will always cherish. Your guidance these past 8 yrs has been so incredibly relevant to my success…and sanity!
Thank you deeply
I love the article about the freedom to be less than my notion of perfection. Having come from that space of appearing seamless and perfect,I can only tell you that one of the best practices that came my way was the Surya Ram meditation and the ease of practicing it and its effect on my physiology on all levels. Plus it helps to have reminders such as this article.