“People harvest only what they plant.” (Galatians 6:7)
“Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” (Proverbs 4:23)
Though these beautiful quotes are valid enough at first glance, lets take a deeper look. If you were not careful, you may think that you should just control your thoughts so your actions and everything would be healthy and productive. Again, that is true enough at first glance, but how do you ‘control’ your thoughts and actions? What criterion do you go by to determine what thoughts and actions are right and what are wrong? Is there a rulebook to follow?
Surely rules are of value. They are like training wheels on a bicycle. They are useful touchstones along the path of your life. But if you misuse them, they act as a lid of suppression on top of a volcano of life force. As I am fond of saying, life is about “relationship with.” You can have an unhealthy relationship with anything, even a good thing. There are so many good rules to follow that if you attempted to follow them all, you would drive yourself crazy. So what is the key to healthy thinking?
For thoughts to be healthy and productive, look to what lies deeper than thoughts… look to the source of thoughts. Look to your Being, your Essence.
Deep within you is the transcendental field of pure consciousness. It is what Einstein called ‘the unified field.’ It is the source of all that is. It is a field of infinite harmony, wisdom, and grace. To master life is to live from that place. In so doing, your thoughts are automatically, spontaneously, and naturally in harmony with all of nature… with the source of all that is. In so doing, you do not need to control thoughts so much as you spontaneously live and think in a manner that is in harmony with nature… with Mother Nature… with your own true nature. Your own nature best organizes your life.
The problems people experience are the result of not living in harmony with their True Nature. They attempt to live life by conforming to their limited understanding of life. Even their interpretation, their understanding, their relationship with good rules and principles are strained or distorted. They habitually act in a manner that is not true to their deep inner being, their True Nature. To really understand the wisdom underlying the life supporting rules and principles, they must be viewed from the depth of your being, not the surface that may be strained or confused. Only when the surface is finally in harmony with the depth does one live, understand, and think wisely. To attain that level of life is a process called the path to enlightenment. It is no small task.
The two quotes above have validity, but must be understood in the context of what is said here. Otherwise, they lead even the most well intended people down a blind alley.
Dear Brahmarshi,
I have never felt this expressed in a more complete, compelling, or exquisitely beautiful way; what a clear portal to the Divine. Thank you.
With deep love, Gloria
The clarity by which you cognize the Veda brings out the truth in all spoken and written words. Giving us the ‘in’ to our divine nature is priceless. We are truly blessed to have you with us, here, at Mount Soma.
Since the United States is a predominantly Christian culture, I think it’s wonderful for Brahmarshi to occasionally use Bible quotes to teach with. We get to see deeper into lessons that we were taught in childhood.
I appreciate you talking about the rulebook for thoughts and actions. I notice in this Deep Dive course that my inner rulebook is quite active. An easier relationship with rules would be good.
I agree with Mark..I love having the ability to discuss scripture from other angles when I find myself engauged in “Bible Topics”. I am far from a scholar on the topic however I am so much more passionate about the subject simply because you have given me explanations about various scripture that have help me to make sense of them in a way that no one (even Pastors) ever have. I have been looking at almost everything I say,hear and do with a greater degree of discernment.The rewards have been sweet and I thank you deeply Brahmarshi..without you..well..I would rather not think about it:)
Brahmarshi, you truly know how to spin a phrase. “…a lid of suppression on top of a volcano of life force.” Even with a lid, nature finds a way to bubble or steam or vent to the surface. Having suppressed so much of my life force, I’m perpetually now looking under the lid; I’m so happy you stir our pots. Thank you!
I appreciate your words. I went on using your logic to tackle the subject in my journal. Thank you Brahmarshi for shining a new light into my path.
Beautiful blog. I too love the exploration of these scriptures.
Rules… Why do I feel I “need” them so? I can feel lost when they are not there to draw stark black and white lines, lines I can always make sure I’m on the good and right side of. It’s a security thing, placing security in external judgments rather than being rooted in is-ness. From this place, “listening within” for guidance feels scary… like floating in the ocean without floaties! Funny how much I can fear other peoples’ judgments and feelings about me–given all the conditioning THEY carry as well. This fear can override the sense of loss that comes from not being True to my Self… which has consequences, but is forgiving in the unceasing pull of gravity back to What Is. I guess it’s just the ingrained habit of buying into the illusion…
So quality of life is not even really based on what or how we think… (in the sense that we could control the external to change the internal–God, how I try to do that!) Thought is an outward reflection of an inner reality… Hmm. But that’s the part that feels easier to control or change! (And why do I need to do that…?)
The exploration never ends. Thanks Brahmarshi, for making it fun! The exploration is not futile. I may be going in circles, but you increase my momentum to simultaneously move forward… When I’m not driving myself crazy, this is fun!! And then, looking back at my craziness can also be quite amusing. Thank God!