Venus and Moon are very close together now and can be seen in the early morning sky with Saturn between them. Moon moves quickly so if you want to take a look, do so tomorrow morning. Of course, Saturn and Venus move more slowly so you can see them close to one and other for a while. Saturn moves more slowly than Venus so right now though Venus is higher than Saturn in the morning sky, next week Venus will be lower than Saturn.
Also, Jupiter will start moving retrograde around 11 p.m eastern time tonight, Thursday (Jan 7). A planet is very powerful around the time it is making that shift.
You can see Jupiter tomorrow morning if/when you go outside to see Venus, Saturn, and the Moon. Jupiter will be a bit to the west of straight up over your head. Jupiter is bright (though not as bright as Venus) so it should be easy to see.
I love these posts. It is so awesome to look at the sky and to know what you are seeing and feeling. Looking at the sky has always been a touchstone for me, a way to connect with nature no matter where I am.
Thanks for celestial perspective! Missing my telescope.
Thank you!
Thanks. This helps keep me aware of a bigger perspective on life. I like the picture also.
Yes, It’s been very beautiful these past few mornings
very cool!
The moon at Mount Soma was amazing this morning. If Venus and moon are close, does this have a harmonious effect (Venus) on the mind (moon)? Saturn and Venus seem odd together, to me! Is it a negative effect for Jupiter, the great beneficent, to appear to go backward? And what does that really mean about the grahas (quantum mechanical operators?) that map onto the planets?
” A planet is very powerful around the time it is making that shift.”
Could you elaborate on what this means?
Very interesting and educational topic! I look forward to the response to mbs’ questions.
Thanks for keeping us aware of these transformations (and what they mean.) It helps alot
I appreciate knowing what I’m looking at in the sky. I do feel that these astronomy/jyotish Michael Mamas blogs expand my vision.
The sky here at Mount Soma has been beautiful! So cool to see the stars.
mbs and wv,
these are great questions, but I think they require a class on jyotish (which I would be happy to do) as opposed to a blog comment. Or maybe I could film a short video. Let me think about what to do. A mini series on jyotish might be in order… maybe on YouTube. Would just need to find the time.
wv and mbs,
regarding a planet about to go retrograde: when you toss a ball up in the air, it starts rapidly, slows down, stops momentarily, then coming back down it is a first slow and then picks up speed. Similarly, when a planet goes from retrograde back to ‘normal’ direct course, it slows down and stops for a moment. When a planet is moving slowly, its influences in astrology is more fully felt… that is what more powerful means.
what the effect of retrograde is depends on many factors.. for example, which planet and what sign it is in at the time.
Thank you for this blog. It is so helpful,specially about mercury in retrograde. It is so comforting to read these blogs and have them explain why certain situations are happening. Thank you.
The info on retrograde was helpful! I never thought about it like a ball in motion changing course, before, but it makes sense…