Everyone has their own fixed idea: Christians, Jews, Hindus, New Agers, agnostics, and atheists including denominations within each group. So has the term “God” lost its meaning? Does it make sense for each little caucus to uniquely use the term “God” in their own way? Or could it be that by deepening our understanding, we can free humanity from years of bias, indoctrination, and superstition? Or has humanity not yet embraced the nature of life and existence adequately to take on such a task? Can unity in the midst of diversity exists among religions? Through deeper understanding, can apparently contradictory perspectives on religion be understood as different angles of approach to the same one thing? The same one “God”?
Hopefully there are at least some people who are willing to refine and evolve their understanding of the word “God”. You would think people would need a better reason to believe what they believe than that they happen to be born into one religious perspective or another. However, that is rarely the case. Generally most everyone on the planet considers themselves to be one of the very fortunate few born into the right perspective on religion and God.
So what can we do about this? How do we go about attaining a deeper understanding of life and existence? Firstly, I would suggest taking a deeper look. Take time to think. Time to ponder. Time to reflect. Time to sort things out in a manner that makes sense.
The rational, the spiritual, the diverse religions, the diverse cultures need not be at odds. Nor does the world need one religion with one universal perspective. What is needed is an understanding that does not bury our heads in the sand, but rather integrates all aspects of life, all religions, all fields of study, all cultures, all people, all perspectives, all that is. Such an understanding that puts all the pieces of the puzzle of life together does indeed exist, but we need to look deeper than our indoctrinations.
What do you say to people that feel that whatever god is must be proven in a lab, or it is not real – or at lest not PROVEN to be true? I myself have never had the need/desire to prove things scientifically – to my benefit or detriment, as it may be – but I know lots of folks who do…
To know what God means – what could be more humbling or wise?
Or to just accept that we are all talking about and feeling the same one God. And anyone can attain that consciousness through their own cultural background. The Vedic knowledge and a Master will show you how……
Real Women love Jesus
Beautiful and very thought provoking blog. To be able to look beyond our current belief systems and thought structures is not an easy thing to do. The underlying structure of life that holds us all together and makes us one humanity makes total sense. It seems like the “proof” is the feeling it evokes at the depth of our beings. Not emotions but the resonance of yes, this makes sense.
Not only does each little caucus seem to have their own notion of God, it is most touchy to them. The world desperately needs the understanding that Michael Mamas teaches.
beautiful…much to ponder…
Most scientists are convinced that there is a unified field. One thing out of which all things emerge. One thing that all things, in their essence, are. No scientific theory is ever proven. Even Newtons Laws are strictly speaking an approximation, albeit a very good one. So if one says they believe in science, likely the believe in the unified field. So I would say they believe in God, though they just prefer not to use that word due to connotations. I can accept them for that. No problem. A rose of any other name…
I look forward to when everyone can look past their indoctrinations and are able to understand the deeper meaning of ‘God’.
This is a very big topic. Its bigger than my intellect. I just trust that somehow, if I seek God with my heart, I will be understood, no matter what language I am using.
“Hopefully there are at least some people” …..amazing ….the world would be soo much better off with this KNOWLEDGE … Thank you for your wisdom, support and determination!
I’ve felt the truth of this deep inside since childhood……thank you Michealji for living and articulating true wisdom. 🙂
Thanks for showing the integration that exists at the more subtle levels of Creation, beyond the distinctions that arise on the surface.