You may want to read the comments to What Is Common Sense to which I added the following.
It is worth noting that western science sees and attempts to explain everything via the one pattern to which it adheres. Being so overtaken by that pattern, all others are ignored or rebuked.
This is of course not to say that western science is anything short of fantastic. However, it does not and cannot explain everything.
What is needed is not a new thought, but an entirely new way of thinking.
Interesting. In my experience, working in different professional cultures and in different U.S. other Western cultures, “common sense” seems to beassociated with “a way of thinking” and people seem to acknowledge “common sense” and reason based on the nuances of how they communicate and think within the mentality of those cultures…. I’m not sure how they would accept that the deeper wisdom and common sense if it doesn’t sound like the common sense their more common way of thinking is tuned too…
It will be fun to table this with some of my Bostonian friends this week and see where it takes us.
Thank you for this transcendental trajectory.
P.S. I do love how you keep putting on the weight belts to take us deeper into the ocean of being…to counter our bouyant tendancy to float to the relative surface… (Scuba diving analogy)
I have been bumping up against that all my life. As a child, I just couldn’t rationally explain how I knew what I knew, so after a while, I just shut up. Rationality was much prized by my parents, and yet there are transgradient levels to all knowledge. Such a shame to limit to that which can only be proven by statistics, or by an accepted authority. Not much “common sense” there.
thanks billy,
More than likely, your friends will evaluate and reject it, because it lies outside the confines of their pattern [paradigm]. It will be interesting to see. Who knows… they might even like it.