I’ve been struck to witness attempts to define “common sense”. They all seem to fall so short. The reason being, the nature of life that would provide a context for the answer is not readily available.
We know there is an underlying basis to all existence that is the source of infinite harmony and intelligence. We also know it is common to all people. “Common sense” is simply sensing into that level and acting from that place.
So what is “wisdom”? “Wisdom” is simply taking that to a deeper level.
This nicely illustrates how the essential context for life and existence (the big picture) provides answers to many questions that are otherwise elusive and fleeting. Attempting to answer such questions without this context is putting the cart before the horse. That lack of understanding is the unfortunate foundation of most philosophies.
I definitely have a reference for this blog simply by reflecting back on some of my choices and actions while growing up.Fortunately. I did not enter this lifetime without some sort of ability to use common sense(I am still amongst the living:)however I realize how much clearer I function today.The most significant growth has definitely been over the past three and a half years and I am eternally(literally)thankful to you Brahmarshi.
Thank you so much Brahmarshi for this timely blog. You make me wonder why common sense is so difficult to access since it underlies all.
I’m sure you have seen those pictures. If you look at them one way and it is just a bunch of dots on a page. Look at it another and it is, for example, the face of Jesus. Or a simple geometric pattern that can be seen as, for example, two boxes or three.
Yes. Isn’t it a wonder that existence is like that? The mind gets fixed (conditioned) to see it all a certain way. It is then not possible to see it another. Like that, the unbounded nature of existence gets overshadowed by a pattern (just a veil) that the mind is programed to see. Yet there are an infinite number of possible patterns.. all superimposed. An amazing maze. It is all done with mirrors. Then one day, you take a step back and see the big picture… You come from the vantage point that sees beyond the limitation of just one pattern or another. You see the backdrop upon which all relativity is etched and from which it is all born.
What is amazing is not enlightenment. What is amazing is that it can possibly be overshadowed by anything… how the illusion can so overtake you. Yes. Isn’t it a wonder?
Jai Siva Sankara.
It is an amazing wonder! I sometimes sit an observe my surroundings in amazement yet I know I am only taking in one flavor of an infinite buffet. It is all I can see for now..so I will appreciate the beauty and keep moving towards the unfathomable.
Thank you for the constant push Brahmarshi
It is worth noting that western science sees and attempts to explain everything via the one pattern to which it adheres. Being so overtaken by that pattern, all others are ignored or rebuked.
This is of course not to say that western science is anything short of fantastic. However, it does not and can not explain everything.
What is needed is not a new thought, but an entirely new way of thinking.