Everyone senses it within… people, animals, even insects… Some may simply call it the instinct for self preservation.
It has many names… the soul, the self, inner divinity, the unified field, Oneness, God… call it what you will.
Through evolution, the sense of it becomes clearer and clearer… Along the way, there are many awakenings… glimpses, hints, faint whispers of what is to come…
As water cools, it comes to know the nature of ice more and more fully… Yet, at one point it crystalizes… it becomes ice… and everything changes…
Everything in creation gravitates back to the Oneness out of which it came. It is that Oneness that you are sensing deep inside… that you are being drawn toward… like a moth around a candle flame… like a plant reaching to the Sun… like a mountain stream to the ocean… until that moment when it all comes together… it crystalizes… that moment is called enlightenment…
It is not that anything goes away…
The full range of thoughts and emotions remain… The you that was… remains… But the real YOU emerges in full splendor… like a backdrop to all of creation… And in that moment, your relationship with everything changes… forever… You realize that nothing is really happening… that relative existence is a beautiful, glorious, magnificent mirage… a virtual image… like a reflection in the mirror, lightly etched on the face of Being… your Being… the only thing that really IS… Shiva… You and God are One…
The Self that you sensed deep inside, overtakes the universe…
What an amazing yet simple and most of all humble description of the most elusive journey of man. I am continually amazed at your level of humility. I have never had a person in my life that I truly wanted to emulate until I met you. Although that might be an obvious statement to those that know you..hearing myself making that statement to those that don’t, feels quite amazing inside.
Thank you x……..
Glorious. Your words touched, woke up the awareness of that grandeur that is inside me, that is me. My entire Physiology has been fatigued, dull. Now my awareness feels clear, focused and refreshed. Again, you gave me a touch into the divine – refocusing my awareness on what is actually important. Thank you for taking the time to wake me up again…
Gravitating towards yet at the same time it is already so. I feel my life that way very much right now – gravitating towards what is ahead while what is ahead, already is and my mind doesn’t register that yet. And in your words I feel/hear the saturn-ing-ly slow turn of the giant cosmic wheel
A most sublime teaching! Meher Baba also taught we are all God… just unconscious of the true nature of the self. I would guess this teaching is in all spiritual paths if you could get beyond limited man’s tinkering with revealed truth which so often bends it around to suit the ego in some way. This is the essential Buddhist teaching of non duality.
Beautiful, everybody is searching for it right?
A lot off things i do i think by myself, why do it?
Is anything really worth something, accept being or trying to be enlightened.
Sometimes i’m so amazed how happy people seem to be just working in a factory.
Day in day out.
Or in a office, it is for me really depressing world.
No goal in it just to survive a little bit money.
Before you became enlightened was this your number 1 goal? becoming enlightened?
How did you perceive this world?
We all share the same one humanity. We are not different…. not essentially. Everyone is striving for enlightenment. Some know that. Others do not. Some go straight at it. Some look for it down blind alleys. But the longing burning in everyone is the same one longing.
Your words are good and true. Also, humanity would do well to not get overly institutional in such matters. It is not about what this person or that school says. It must be found inside of YOU. Feel, think, look and ponder. Speak of what you know from inside, not outside. That means more to me than anything else. That is what I would like to hear. The Guru does not tell you what to think or feel. The Guru assists you in finding Truth within yourself. I’m enjoying your comments, William. Keep them coming.
Once again I stand in awe of the way you describe so beautifully our capability and the process of enlightenment. I am grateful Maharshiji, for every moment I am in your presence, whether by blog, book or in person, for helping me feel my way through life again.
I agree, Beautiful!
I was with a customer who teaches yoga in different areas around the US and he and his wife have a woman teacher from India and she is “teaching” them to all bring energy in through the head and in to the heart. Just listening to this man made my heart feel gratitude for having Marhashiji as my teacher. I am so grateful for being taught the truth, and the teachings were a great comfort and a place to rest when all this man’s words were being presented. Thank you Maharshiji!