My response to MB’s comment on “the Razors Edge” Blog:
Define “True.”
What does it mean for something to be true? If it is not refuted by anything… if it applies on all levels to all that is… is it then true? Well, not necessarily. You could conceive of something like “The Evil Deceiver” that philosophers conceptualized… sort of like the movie, “The Matrix”.
Yet there is a principle (Occam’s Razor) that says the simplest solution is the correct one. Once you grasp what I am saying, then it is so simple… so clear… so full… so all encompassing… so straightforward… so obviously true. Beyond that, it touches a place inside that knows… that has always known… that has no doubt it is true. That is not faith. It is not belief. It is called Knowledge with a capital “K”. All comes around full circle. You awaken to that one thing out of which all was born.
As you meditate and evolve, your perception of ‘it’ becomes clearer and clearer. You understand and feel it more and more fully. You become increasingly certain of its validity. It all starts to make more and more sense to you. Everything starts coming together within you. It can be compared to climbing a mountain. First, you are in the valley. The thick brush and trees obstruct your view. It is not possible to determine the lay of the land. As you climb higher, you begin to glimpse what lies a bit further out in one direction. However, once the mountain peak is reached, you see for 360 degrees. Everything falls into place and is clear, simple, obvious, and oh so beautiful.
The universe is born out of pure consciousness. A number of modern physicists say that the unified field is in fact, quite simply, pure consciousness. All is that. Like all in a dream is born out of your consciousness. Knowledge is structured in consciousness. As your consciousness expand and evolves your understanding of everything changes. That process culminates in a state where everything comes together. It is like standing on the mountain peak. What before seemed theoretical at best, is suddenly obvious. Yet as you ascend the mountainside, your feeling for it… you sense of its nature… becomes more and more clear. It all starts to make more and more sense. At some point, you reach the summit. You are certain it is true even though you still have a little way to go before you are actually at the peak of the mountain with a totally unobstructed view all the way around. Everything maps. Just as the mountain climber longs for that moment when the 360 degree view is first experienced, every individual longs for that moment when all of life comes together within them. That is true of all life, all beings, all existence. Everything gravitates back to wholeness… back to Oneness… back to God. See?
It is not just a concept. Everything clicks into place… not a philosophy, but as a self-evident state of being.
How do you know that 2+2=4? It is obvious. I offer a level of life where the very nature of all (that is) is obvious. It is not faith. It is not assumption. It is not just an intellectual model.
It is glimpsed by all beings to varying degrees. Once it is directly (fully) experienced everything clicks into place. It is then quite simply irrefutable.
That is called enlightenment.
Simply beautifull. Proper knowledge produces better understanding. Thank you for making my understanding of life
more clear. Everything does gravitate back to God.
The “longing for the moment..when all of life comes together” is very real and palpable for me, but at this stage of my evolution so are the waves of fear and doubt that permeate my being as I slowly make my way up the mountain. I so long for the moment when there is no doubt, only Knowledge – what bliss! It is as if the fear and doubt keep whispering that the Truth is too good to be true. Hearing this, I remain caught in the trees and underbrush of the mountain side and the full unwavering blissful state of Knowledge remains out of reach, but I have not given up the journey. Even though the path at times may get pretty overgrown, it is still there for me to follow – meditate, discern, meditate – as I long for that mountain top experience, a full self-evident state of being!
Jai Guru Dev!
Wow! The past few days have been very busy, and I just got caught up on blogs. I am deeply moved by these blogs and by everyone’s comments and Brahmarshi’s responses to those comments. Truly remarkable, what an incredible opportunity and blessing it is to be at Mount Soma, to be with Brahmarshi.
Like many people my process has been difficult of late, and the art of discernment can seem like an impossible challenge. I can really feel how much my emotional system, my longing to be loved, to be held, and to feel safe colors my ability to discern. Sometimes it feels like my mind is at war with my heart, like they are completely separate entities. I long for integration, and for peace inside myself. Then again this is the churning process. It is what I signed up for…
The irony is that I am loved, and held, and safe. I am so fortunate to have so much love in my life, and I know how much Brahmarshi loves all of us. It feels like that should be enough, but the longing persists. Along with that longing exists a panic that if I don’t grab hold of my opportunity to be loved it will slip away, and I will be left unfulfilled.
At the same time the place inside that is fine is palpable. Deep down I know that everything is okay, but on surface I feel anxiety, and fear. What a paradox…
Best to first fill your cup. Love comes from an overflowing cup. Looking to others to fill your cup is not how it really works, though it is what most attempt to do. Relationships work best when based upon fullness, not emptiness. The fulness you long for is the experience of love overflowing from within. Trying to feel fulfillment from love flowing in the other direction will not satisfy your longing.
…beautiful, Dave.
I really feel so moved by Brahmarshi’s posts and subsequent posts by others. For me, I think it is about the vulnerability. I find it so ironic that I will be leaving in a few days for the ashram where I know I will be safe and supported, but I don’t think I have ever been more afraid in my life. I am typing this feeling tears coming and my throat tightening and my heart quickens. I know it is silly, but there I am. Jai Guru Dev.
Hey Dave, I love you man! 🙂
The analogy I love that I have been saying to myself over and over again comes from traveling on planes….
Before take off they always tell you … in case cabin pressure is lost during flight be sure to put the air mask on yourself FIRST before those around you including your loved ones. Only by loving yourself first can you ‘truly’ love those around you. Anything else is just a MUSHY (overly emotional and sentimental) replacement. Thank you Brahmarshi for the words of wisdom during last class. I too am working on cleaning up my mushy heart. 🙂
These last few blogs have been so refreshing to my soul. To feel, to discern more fully, to progress up the mountain can at times be an arduous task. I feel like I continue to hear the same lesson from you and somehow the mind keeps asking the same old questions, but your words bring me such peace. Like balm on a wound or a bandaid on a child’s knee pushing me off to go play some more.
Thank you again Brahmarshi ,
It is simply wonderful to be traversing life’s edge with so many beautiful hearts. I know that I am here physically however the feelings generated from reading the blogs,reading the comments and having the awareness of Mt.Soma…fills my soul.
Thank you Brahmarshi