Perception is more about projection than most can imagine.


Think of inkblots.  In the same inkblot, some see an angel while others see a monster.  Yet it is the same inkblot.


Remarkably, many inkblot world views are realities.  One such reality is Newtonian science.  It works.  Others (though out of mainstream popularity) include yin/yang theory, five-element theory, and the nine graha theory.


This does not imply that all world views are realities.  Some are simply incorrect, i.e. not consistent with how the world actually works.


Remember that humility is the flip side of wisdom.  Have a humble relationship with your perceptions.  Remembering that you live in an inkblot world can help.


Are you perceiving or projecting?  Is there really any difference?  In the depth of their hearts, the wise know that perception and projection are one.


Truth is an inkblot.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.