Advanced Techniques and the Bhrigu Nadi

I am getting so excited about teaching Phase 1 of the Advanced Techniques to more students next month and Phase 2 to the Ashram people and staff after that! The Advanced Techniques are an exponential leap forward for every individual’s evolution and super radiance of coherence for the world.

We had an interesting conversation at lunch in the Student Union yesterday. I was remembering how different things were 30 years ago. The Transcendent was, as if, dormant in people’s consciousness. People back then, when transcending, could not handle much… the purification was too intense. Now, our program has become so much more powerful and people do great with it! What is happening here at Mount Soma is so fabulous. Evolution is accelerating and beautiful to witness. More and more visitors are in awe of the profound influence Mount Soma has upon them.

It is so humbling to have the opportunity to offer these Advanced Techniques to the world. Phase 1 creates the foundation. Then, in Phase 2 and Phase 3, things really take off. Without question, the Advanced Techniques are by far the greatest teachings I have yet offered. It appears the Bhrigu Nadi was right that Mount Soma will become a beacon light for the world. The people living here will all attain Unity Consciousness… so humbling.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Life’s Two Fronts

The laws of nature are very different on the surface of life as opposed to the depth. For example, on the surface, you are you, and I am me. We are separate. Whereas in the depth, we are all one. For that reason, behavior oriented around the surface of life can look very different than behavior oriented around the depth. It’s as if there are two different fronts that we are negotiating simultaneously. Proper behavior is a matter of the integration of the two.

When a person is disproportionally oriented toward one front or the other, imbalanced behavior is the result. For example, people may favor spiritual reflection with a love for the transcendental depth of existence. However, when they go out into the world, they cease to be practical or effective in the material world. On the other hand, when the imbalance is excessively toward the material world, behavior can become petty, selfish, cynical, and polarizing. Oftentimes, individuals may enjoy reflecting upon the spiritual, but when it comes down to living their lives, they disproportionally become superficially oriented. It is easy to be spiritual on the weekends, but how much do we retain as we live the rest of our lives? How wisely do we integrate the surface with the depth?

Those overly entrenched in the superficial front tend to become overly materialistic and cynical. Those overly entrenched in the spiritual tend to become impractical and unrealistic. Those living a life that integrates the two are often not recognized by those living a less integrated state. That usually is a matter of projection. People tend to project their value system, based upon their level of integration, upon others, and judge them accordingly. For example, the cynical and materialistic scrutinize the behavior of others, assuming they too must be equally cynical, materialistic, and not to be trusted. They spontaneously assume ulterior and selfish motives are at the root of others’ behavior. This is what we face as a society these days. Those immaturely spiritually-oriented judge pragmatic behavior as being superficial and not deep.

However, a life integrating the two is subtle. Attempting to integrate the two in an unsophisticated way becomes a matter of cross-realm projection (i.e., trying to impose the laws of nature of one front onto the other front). For example, just because we are all one doesn’t mean you give away all your money and abandon all pragmatics.

Proper integration of the two is a sublime and exquisite dynamic. It is a state of physiology, a state of being. The majesty of an artful navigation of life integrating those two fronts of life is not easily recognized or appreciated by those living a less balanced state. An imbalanced relationship between those two fronts precludes wisdom, maturity, and artful living. Such imbalance is the source of negativity (e.g., suspicion, mistrust, misunderstanding, hatred, resentment, judgment, polarization, and conflict).

Through meditation, as well as reflecting upon the nature of life and the nature of our own personal psychodynamics, we can cultivate a healthy, wise, and mature relationship with life (i.e., the integration of the surface with the depth). When feeling challenged in life, reflect upon the subtle nature of life. Aspire to understand the sublime relationship and harmonization between the surface and the depth. Aspire to wisdom. Aspire to a pragmatic relationship with the material world integrated with an unending adherence to the Divine.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How Civilizations Rise & Fall According to Their Harmony with Nature

Some years ago, I was watching an interview of a spiritual leader’s son. He was describing how his parents lived in harmony with nature—they lived in a log cabin with no electricity, walked around barefoot, and grew their own food. I mean no disrespect, but that has nothing to do with living in harmony with nature…

Read more.



© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Advanced Techniques Update

Perhaps my favorite comment about the Advanced Techniques came from a student who said it is as if they don’t even ‘do’ the Advanced Techniques anymore. Rather, it is as if the Advanced Techniques have transformed their meditations. That is perfect. Really, the Advanced Techniques just happen naturally. However, learning them and ‘doing’ them for a while opens the door to the universe of consciousness and its potential.

Having said that, it is still a good idea, from time to time, to ‘feel into’ one of the techniques of your choice when you sit down to meditate, before you actually start your meditation. That tends to facilitate the experience of that technique. Yet, once done, the meditation goes in whatever direction it goes. It is all an effortless practice.

Generally, my meditations go into Phase 2 or 3 of the Advanced Techniques. However this morning, it was all Phase 1 and it was wonderful. What the Advanced Techniques do for a person’s meditations is marvelous. I am so excited to teach Phase 1 this winter to more students! I hope all students can attend!

I am thrilled to teach Phase 2 to the Ashram and staff this winter and to the Phase 2 students this upcoming summer! And then onto Phase 3 the following year! It is such a great adventure! The ultimate frontier! The exploration of the unbounded universe of consciousness!

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Sutra Tip

At times, people have mentioned that they would almost prefer to not practice the Sutras. The practice can, at times, feel almost uncomfortable. Just meditating and not doing the Sutras can seem easier.

Why? Because the Sutras enliven the structured aspect of the Absolute, and that wells up through your physiology. It is powerful. There can be a resistance to that. Just be easy with it and ride the wave. That makes it not only comfortable, but highly evolutionary. I will talk more about this in the upcoming classes.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Advanced Techniques Phase 2

Phase 1 was so inspiring! Since immediately after the course, my mind has been on Phase 2. It is incredibly exciting. There is certainly a finesse involved in teaching these subtle, yet powerful, techniques. It required several years to find the ‘in,’ i.e., how to convey the techniques to others. Some of you may remember early attempts at the beginning such as ‘the cave,’ meditation powder, hand placements, and even the first teaching of Phase 1 to the Ashram people.

It was incredibly gratifying to see how easily, how seamlessly, everyone in Phase 1 took to the techniques. Now that the proper ‘in’ has been found (“Well begun is half done!”), I can hardly wait until Phase 2 begins! As enthusiastic as the response was to Phase 1, Phase 2 and then Phase 3 get increasingly incredible.

Though references to these techniques can be found here and there, to my knowledge, the actual method of practice is simply not available, lest it be perhaps in the Himalayas at some obscure ashram closed to but a few devoted members. I honestly believe this is the first time in recorded history that they are offered to the world. It is humbling to have found them. Discovering them is, by far, the greatest thing I, as a teacher, have ever done.

We will be offering Phase 1 again this winter at Mount Soma, so there is still an opportunity to join the group and do Phase 2 with everyone next summer. It is not certain when and how the techniques will be offered again. This first Phase 1-3 series will be the one that has my utmost attention.

These techniques not only make meditation extremely powerful and profound, but also fun and fascinating. I hope those of you who did not have the opportunity to take Phase 1 already, will be able to join us this winter and continue on with the group through the adventures of Phase 2 and 3. The Kingdom of Heaven does indeed dwell within. Take the journey!

Mount Soma View

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Advanced Techniques 5

I just want to make sure that everybody understands that the Advanced Techniques Course is much more than an 8-day program. It lasts a full year. The techniques we will be learning are as subtle as they are profound. The general idea is that we will continue to work with them over the year with Internet discussions along some format. At this point in time, we’re not certain what the format will be. It could be via Skype or something else. It will be set up in a way that people who cannot attend the conference (hopefully live online) will be able to access the recording.

The Advanced Techniques Course this summer will be the foundation for the Advanced Techniques that follow over the next couple of years. Where it leads is breathtaking. Please do everything you can to not miss this opportunity! Because the techniques are so subtle, it is important to be introduced to them in person, which is why we constructed the 8-day summer course the way we did.

If at all possible, those of you on the west coast would do well to attend at least the first day (Friday, March 31) of the upcoming class at Walnut Creek. Some of the techniques that will be taught there may assist you in your learning of the Advanced Techniques this summer. Attending that Friday session is not a prerequisite, but is advisable.

Thus far, I have only given the initial techniques to the people in the Mount Soma Ashram Program. Everyone finds it extremely exciting. The experience of teaching the ashram the techniques has assisted me in refining the methodology through which they are best taught. I intend next to teach members of the Mount Soma staff, followed by the course this summer. We’re all very much looking forward to it!

P.S. Please note that for some time now, I have been writing blogs as well as articles. The articles are for the public at large. So, you can read them if you like, but it is more important that you read the blogs because they are more directed toward students and a deeper knowledge.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Maharshi Quotes

Organized by subject:

Quotes from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

An example:

“The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment.
Nothing else is significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness.
So always strive for that.
Set your life around that goal.
Don’t get caught up in small things, and then it will be yours.”

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.