We just filmed a YouTube video series that you can access with the link below. It is created with the modern, 30-second, sound bite mentality in mind.
Of course, there are risks involved with it (as with everything). My primary concern is that the videos are so short that they might be misunderstood and projected upon. The ‘I Get It Syndrome’ may compromise the videos.
However, I hope that they serve as inspiration for people to look deeper and listen more carefully… perhaps visit MountSoma.org, learn the Surya Ram Meditation, read some of the books we offer, visit Mount Soma, and perhaps attend classes and/or retreats.
Comments, giving a “Thumbs Up”, and Facebook/Twitter/Google+ sharing after viewing the videos would be appreciated, as that helps with our online presence. If you haven’t already, you may wish to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so that you’re notified of new videos (requires a Gmail account).
Be sure to view the video descriptions, as they have links to articles, blogs and other videos on that topic.
A new set of videos is in the works so start sharing!
These are awesome! I finished the first 6 and they are catchy, short, concise, and easy to understand. Great Job!
Jai Guru Dev
These videos are great! I like the pacing and the simplicity. I also like the current and personable feel.
Yes. They’re right on. I like the animated title intro also. It’s lively and professional, which is what people expect these days. Good job!
These vignettes are wonderful. Very respectful, personable toward the viewer. Warms and wakens my tender heart.
I like the videos a lot. While watching them I thought this is real world spirituality. Also. they felt very natural and inviting. I was thinking it would also be nice to hear from people who can’t attend the Surya Ram classes. I would like to hear their perspective.
Wow — these videos are great! I will have to listen to them over and over again. At the same time, having binged on the first seven I’m ready to take a break. They invite — no they demand — deep reflection. For everyone who wants to experience the deepest truth I contend that nowhere else is it spoken more purely, simply, elegantly, and concisely for the modern mind. Why follow dead saints when you can learn at Maharishiji’s feet and skip all the BS?
I too enjoy these short yet very interesting videos. They are so inviting, warm, casual, friendly and welcoming. What a terrific way to teach. It’s fun to see the smiles and facial expressions and feel the joy, honesty, passion and excitement from these talks. I will take more time to review them and ponder over their content. Thank you very much!
Makes Sense to me!
So far I’ve gone through the first seven videos and I think they are a great way to get people’s attention. Very relatable and to the point.
I love this series. The energy is good, makes it easy to listen to and absorb. So much valuable information in such a concise format. The progression is incredible and allows one the opportunity to pace yourself in a way that it can be taken in easier. Great concept.
I watched some of this series and will definitely watch the rest of them. It is good they are in a short format which makes them easy to watch as you have time. Thanks!
These videos are fabulous…. I view them every day and so look forward to my next viewing. Life changing!!! So much worthwhile to reflect on. Thank you.
Videos amazing!!! never boring, never tedious. So personable. I hunger for more. Thanx
Cherish each of these videos. Lots of food for exploration,
Somewhere, deep inside me, I remember that early kernel of truth about myself….. .that I am boundless, limitless, amazing. However, what I don’t recall is i how I lost it., exactly. It all seems like grey fog, one moment upon moment of dulling my beauty whether thru education, family or otherwise. I am not into bashing nor blaming any of these intruders, however …..
My only concern is what the heck do I do with my blank slate? Who, then, am I exactly? Do I recreate?? Where do I start?? These videos help in unraveing this web inside me. Sure could use a flashlight!
Maybe a new video topic???
These videos are so great! I can’t wait to share them with family and friends. Thank you.
Cindy, Fidala, and all the others,
Your comments are wonderful very helpful…. invaluable to me.
Soon a series on bible quotes will be posted that I filmed the other day. Tomorrow i plan to film a series on Einstein and Bruce Lee quotes. After that, Vedic quotes. There is no end to what series we could do. If everyone continues to like the format, I could go on and on with one series after the next.
Thank you!!