‘Wiping the Slate Clean’   Descarte Armageddon? …   One Way or Another?

blurb: Infinite Correlation and the Eternal Atma


I have done podcasts on Brahma Sutras, Upanishads, Shiva Sutras, and structure of Veda and Vedic Literature.  I intend to visit specific aspects of Vedic Literature in the future.


everything is the center of the universe

your atma is eternal

Riemann sphere

the surface dances around the atma.  Yet in kali yuga, most identify with the surface as ‘I’.

projection and Descarte

I think therefore I am…   vs.    atma is…  consciousness is

the eternal Atma

“The real war will never get in the books.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Consciousness Liberated


Cognition vs Perspective

How to Know Everything

Limits Upon Awareness

“The real war will never get in the books.”


My experience of teaching:  slips through fingers and they don’t realize it. 

Pandits more easily accept where people are at than I can

Positive elicits negative:  I could not believe it unless I experienced it.

Darwin and the Veda


arrogant alignment with current mentality

not so much a group out there choosing to be evil deceivers 

rather they believe in their perspective and push it.  Beyond that then is they only fund research they believe is correct and those who do not conform do not get grants.

how to build and enlightened city

was Anker Wat an enlightened city

why I am told not to reveal much about an enlightened city.  And already, others are taking on the term.

supernatural powers

humility is flip side of wisdom

only thing worse than stupid is stupid that thinks its smart

compromising truth so as not to offend

Mystery History, Barabar. . they are moving in the right direction but lots more to go of course.

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Negotiate with the Gods


How to Work with the Laws of Nature


Rishi, Devata, Chhandas    

what it really means to negotiate with the gods

economics prof.  predicting economy is like predicting where leaves will land when falling from tree

the subtle/depth determines the gross/surface…  negotiate with the god

but in the language of god, not of man

man on gods side, or god on man’s side

yagyas and prayer

A bit on anger:

who’s angry at whom and why? 

the mechanics of anger

Anger and the Gods.

you will always have a ‘rational’ justification for your anger and be sure you are ‘right’

anger and the chit

  “         “    paradigm identity

  “         “    the laws of nature  [i.e. the gods]

second response… what it is and is not

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Integrating the Transgradient Self

my unedited personal notes:


mono-dimensionalizing people

My comment on essentially a history of civilizations book: “The End of Everything”

… And the even bigger picture.


someone asked me, “Are you worried?”

is God on your side?

saw on church sign:  “we are redeemed by God’s grace”

aligning on different levels of the self

astral echoes vs integration: echoes of truth hold truth at bay

to question is to evolve

as said, doctrines are called ‘secret’ for a reason

shastras are not a cookbook

once enlightened, everything you thought you knew changes

humility is flip side of wisdom

racism is cultural integrity gone insane


“Nothing can be done except little by little.”
“The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else.”
“feuds and weeds grow quickly”   old mountain saying

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Creation Mechanics:  Lord Narayana   Shiva   Rudra

my unedited personal notes:

How the Universe Works

integration of heart and mind…  which is kite; which is tail?

traversing and integrating the full spectrum of existence

purifying out impurities; enlivening inner coherence

Essential Key: understanding the bigger picture… deeper knowledge than what is mainstream.

Knowledge and Experience


“The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.