Early Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful early Thanksgiving today, Tuesday, Nov. 22 at Mount Soma because Thursday will be busy with guests. It was a potluck with tofu and lentil loaf turkey, and all the trimmings. After the feast, a bunch of us took a walk out past the Wishing Tree through the mountain trails. It was lovely. We found a quiet spot with a very fine feeling and stood there together for quite a while… chatting a bit, listening to the stillness of the woods, looking at the views and fidgeting with twigs, fall leaves, and other little treasures of nature. It was an exquisite day as we all enjoyed the food, the walk, the environment, and most of all, one another.

Thanksgiving 2016 (1)

Thanksgiving 2016 (2)

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Fall at Mount Soma

Fabulous clouds and fall weather, all day every day lately here at Mount Soma!

Looking forward to our Mother Divine Meditation Retreat, October 1-10th. It’s always such a special time of inward and outward transformation as the seasons change.

Click here to view a great picture on Instagram.

If you’re not already, you may be interested in following my Instagram account where great images, quotes, and updates are regularly posted.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


Cats, by Michael MamasWe get a fair number of stray cats around our house. Some of them are incredibly peaceful and affectionate. So it’s very easy to be kind with them and try to find out if they have a home nearby. In some cases, when they end up living under our porch for a number of months and it is clear they don’t have a place to live, Judi often finds them a good home.

There’s a whole spectrum of behavior among these cats, ranging from very tame and affectionate to completely wild and unapproachable. If you do happen to accidentally corner one of the wilder ones, they are all claws and fangs.

It saddens me to see how these cats seal their own fate based upon their behavior. You wish you could just let the wild ones know to calm down—everything’s fine. They are creating their own problems. Of course, you can’t do that.

Humans are strikingly the same way. We create our own heaven or hell, determined by our relationship with the world.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Mount Soma Class Reflections

Classes for me are a wonderful opportunity to take a step back from all the busyness of my life. It is my great joy to have a few days to sit and explore the Knowledge with everyone. To be with, and commune with, so many people I care about feeds my soul. It is something I long for. It’s something we all long for. Yet, in our busy lives, we often don’t take time to accommodate that. For me, classes are that great gift of time to commune.

The first of the three days was more just a time of being together and settling in. It was sort of a regrouping and brushing away the cobwebs of our overly demanding daily schedules. Admittedly, at the end of the day I had some concern. Realizing how much I had been pushing, I felt like I had to strive to overcome the fatigue I felt in my body and wondered if I therefore had done everyone there a disservice. As it turned out, the feedback was wonderful. Everyone cherished the settled, reflective communion of visiting together. A little surprising to me was the feedback regarding all the deep content that I included in that day. To me, everything in life is profound. As it turned out, that profundity and beauty I feel for all of life shined through.

Rejuvenated, the next two days were packed with Knowledge. As with every class that I give, I feel some sadness about the people who were unable to attend. I never repeat the same class twice. Audio tapes or written summaries only convey a small fraction of the content.

Life is all too often reduced to a handful of facts or concepts. It is the texture of life—inaccessible through mere accounts, thoughts, and concepts—that gives it meaning, that gives it depth. Most of what is accomplished in the classes is through our shared presence. After all, healing is a feeling, a state of Being, a state of physiology. As we open to that, we become full, whole, within our own selves.

Michael Mamas Mount Soma Classes

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Super Bowl

Super Bowl - Michael MamasA number of times yesterday and today, I have been asked to write something about the Super Bowl.  I thought to tell you about all the silly and fun pregame antics we have enjoyed among ourselves here at Mount Soma throughout the playoffs through today, but it seemed to not be enough to say or very easy to convey either.  It all just naturally built upon itself as a bunch of hilarious back and forth emails and frivolities.

There was just an interview with the Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning that was personally quite moving for me.  It is likely his last game before retirement.  He said what was most important to him was to earn the respect of his teammates and coaches.  That is certainly one of the most important things in life.  You can’t expect to gain respect from all the people who do not really know you, but to earn the respect of those that are close to you, those who see and work with you on a regular basis is a most laudable life goal.  I can honestly say that I have deep respect for all of the people with whom I have the honor to be around here at Mount Soma and work with closely and I know they feel the same.  For that I am most grateful.

Enjoy the Super Bowl!  If you do not like football, there are always the commercials and halftime show!!

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Hygienics of Consciousness

The Hygienics of Consciousness | Michael Mamas BlogContinually striving to heal our world by rearranging approaches, philosophies, attitudes, and beliefs has clearly not brought peace and prosperity to humanity.

We do not rearrange our teeth to keep them healthy.  We simply keep them clean.

What is needed is a technology to clean consciousness.  In so doing, world health would be attained and maintained; physically, mentally, psychologically, and in fact on all levels of life.

The technology is available. Mount Soma’s mission is to implement it and make it available to all people everywhere.






© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The State of the World and What to Do: Part 2

State of the World Blog - Michael MamasMarconi knew how to build a radio that would transmit across the Atlantic. However, it took time before he could convince anyone to fund its construction. New technologies have always been met with skepticism. We have the technology I so often talk about. We now need to build it.

This ‘new’ technology is actually ancient, just long forgotten. I am talking about the technology of consciousness. While there is a great deal of science behind this technology, few are willing to sit and listen long enough for it to sink in.

Contributing to the elusive nature of this technology is the time it takes for the effects to be evident on the global level. Yet communities can experience the effects rather quickly. Mount Soma is such a community.




© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.