The Silent Witness, Wisdom’s Eternal Paradox


Ancient Secrets: Root of Dharma, Water, Karmic Minds.  Nov 8


This Weeks Unedited Notes:

Ancient Secrets: Root of Dharma, Water, Karmic Minds.  Nov 8

Ancient secret of: Water takes on energy readily

wisdom’s paradox

A mirror that sees everything it has no opinion no bias

Shiva is the eternal silent witness the cosmic mirror

totally the same but completely different

Equanimity:  what it is, what it is not…beyond personality

Distinction between Imagination and Fantasy

Karma + prana = mind  [matter of proportion]

Lesson from ptolemaic dynasty, alexander’s general, volcanic eruption in arctic, no rain, overthrow by Rome post unrest due to famine

“Stalin’s gold” Ukraine grain

USA assets displaced

and the good news is:

powerful china/woke/progressive mentality current is unwinding

hurricane of notions spiraling out of control..

What is deranged in a deranged world?

Mentality currents spinning out of control but soon unraveling

Pivotal moment in history November 8

good news is the awakening of sleeping giant

Circumstances will never be exactly right to go forward…but standing still is not a viable option

Current events:

warfare in nuclear age is waged from within…undermine

Politics of debased civil discourse:

Character assassination gossip rumors

Tabloid mentality

Saul Alinsky: the politics of personal destruction

reverse racism, affirmative action vs want best airline pilot. Better VP, white house, spokesperson, etc

education out of control

commercials subliminal coersion

covid:  MDs got out of their lane vs our grandmothers would have done better

Covid virus vaccine and treatments disaster [I told you so]

convoluted thinking ivory tower academics got too far out on a limb

Post Florida hurricane electric car batteries after exposure to saltwater become ticking time bombs tow truck companies refusing to tow them for fear they may spontaneously explode

95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director in new zealand


John Kennedy: “Too many people at the top getting bail outs.Too many people at the bottom getting hand outs. People in the middle getting the bill.”

SOCRATES: “Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.”

MM: Assuming you can discern whether they are wise.

The nation, the world, people are waking up so it is now time for onto the next great horizons

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Mentality Currents


the invisible authority figure, global currents, sub currents, the power of innocence


my unedited notes for this week:

the invisible authority figure, global currents, sub currents, the power of innocence

physiology of consciousness

blown in the wind

different countries and subgroups

science, religion, god, mentality

the mentality frame…  how do you frame your thoughts and emotions?

currents constantly flow

authority issue, rebellion vs evolving the flow

the invisible authority figure

oneness to separateness…  ,,, the eternal birthing process

self actualization

Rubber band mentality, stretching with words of wisdom, does it spring back?

Choosing wisely.  Are we what we eat?  Reflection vs Rebellion

global currents, sub currents, how people function

an exercise:  access others reality frame. then access yours.  not so easy to do. 

Run the Rapids.  Hang in there. Golden Age Soon

law of karma:  risk and reward are not linear nor instantaneous.  If they were, the universe [prapancham] would not exist

“Change is the end result of all true learning.”


“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”


Radical difference of the same news event from different countries

systemic racism, confusion, equity, global currents

Had a wonderful meeting with a guru who visited Mount Soma

my life is becoming more spontaneous in the sessions that I give … nothing planned one person a small group whatever it is

 “Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”


my mentality frame and mt soma

seeing the good in others vs ignoring potential rakshasa within

takes time to know anothers heart

future humans: what the ancient seers say…healthy cultures culture awareness, innocence vs oblivion

Is God the answer?… depends on what you mean by “God”

Culture and bicycle training wheels, evolution vs indoctrination

“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” 

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Knowing the Heart


Confusion, self betrayal, Armageddon


My unedited notes:

“…Honestly expressing yourself.  Now it is very difficult to do…” B Lee

the art of self expression

politics in a nutshell: Confusion, self betrayal, Armageddon

self betrayal leads to personal and global armageddons. where the heart leads, does the mind follow?

Eventually does not even know what one really feels/believes

Cannot be honest with another went not honest with one’s self

Taking the time and care needed for self expression is rare .

Not doing so boxes one into a corner

Diplomacy vs self betrayal

lying to ones self

yet few are willing to [capable of] really talk from the heart

so it builds and builds until explodes in irrationality

do ones actions align with ones feelings in ones quiet moments,

future of the free world

            Biden sells oil from strategic oil reserve to China and China turns around and says it to Europe at a profit

            Woke is permutations of hippie drug era which went a long way to making recreational drugs popular with the pharmaceutical companies happily getting on board

            Just consider the volume of drugs consumed annually and ask yourself what percentage of people in your grocery store and on your roads are under the influence not to mention alcohol

            Saudi’s are cutting production to drive the price of gas up right before the midterm elections they want Republicans in there and Trump in there cause they can’t stand Biden

            The great sobering

            Equality guarantees equal opportunity equity guarantees equal results

            ”As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”     ANDREW CARNEGIE

            ”No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”   HERACLITUS

            Working title: did God really create us all equal

            DNA intervention

            DNA knots

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Ancient Secrets of Power, Wealth, and Intelligence

This weeks unedited notes:

The Ancient Rishis reveal the secrets of the art of life

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” 

9 days of Mother Divine

Durga Havan

how to get your mojo working

encourage comments click on comments under blog title, and anonymous if so choose

quartz [e.g. in computers] stores energy]

Granite is over 40% quartz crystal Mount Soma can be viewed as a device so to speak,   like a computer device a transducer of sorts


Sardinia waterwell,  lunar stand still well every 18+ years

Big bang is at every point in creation

Karma + prana creates mind

2023 ceremony will be great… encouraged to attend

With churning of ocean first came out poisons, impurity.. alakshmi older sister of lakshmi

Infinite slices through the pie of existence

 truth of myths

jyestha devi, alakshmi explained


What mentality have you joined?… really

you are what you eat

Life’s avalanche:  giving yourself over to jyestha devi

The yugas

Rakshasas function through you identified by you as you, as truth.

When hurting, inclined to hurt back, say things regretted

Once said can not be unsaid… can forgive but can’t forget


you become the people you have joined

people are social creatures…  people need people…  watch who you bond with

When too far out on a limb it is wise to move closer to the trunk

History is just a fable we all agreed upon.   Napoleon 

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Second Brain and How to Use It: i.e. “Enlightenment” in a Nutshell


Examples: Sweden, Italy, France, Germany,

Hungary, Poland, Belarus, usa

Brazil, China, usa;

Russia, Ukraine, usa

China, Mexico, usa


My unedited notes.  Please consider them thoughts to reflect upon, not declarations of truth

The Second Brain;

intuitively obvious” math expression and the expression gut instinct

intuitive vs indoctrinated

learning to feel what is… i.e. learning to live in harmony with nature, your nature, Mother Nature

people too much in head and trendy emotional tangents… to live better, look deeper

why abandoning religion: betrayal of visceral intuitive emotional felt sense in name of justifying anything with intellect “intuitive felt sense” vs bias”

The world is waking up to the notion of cultural integrity

Marthas Vineyard confused more than hypocrits

Sweden, Italy, France, Germany,

Hungary, Poland, Belarus, usa

Brazil, China, usa;

Russia, Ukraine, usa

China, Mexico, usa

culture integrity and the visceral intuitive

”nationalism’’  or  ”national  identities” is  rising  everywhere,  Sweden,  Italy,  France,  India,  every  European  country,  and  also  the  USA.


Talking about abandonment of second brain:

Your kids belong to the government

California governor Newson just signed bill passing composting of human corpses

should evolve understanding of religion, not abandon it due to lack of deeper in-sight

Queen Elizabeth funeral Will re-enliven a sense of cultural integrity throughout the world

 “Words are energy and cast spells.  Why do you think they call it ‘spelling”’ Bruce Lee“

fame is accompanied by gossip ..  i.e. spell casting

a significant part of your evolution comes from your speech.

Conviction is the luxury of those on the sidelines from movie “a beautiful mind

“don’t criticize what you can’t [don’t] understand”  Dylan

woke is a fad nothing more then the hippie movement and bell bottoms

working title:  Why people do not believe in God

from beginning zelensky been provoking russia.. to bring in NATO… could have had peace long go.

USA role

I heard India now involved in Fentanyl?  But not government.  What is really going on?

Estimated $400 billion of the $900 billion Covid Unemployment relief program was taken by international fraudsters

Estimated 45 billion in pandemic unemployment fraud

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Keys to the Kingdom and the Cultural Soup

“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” 

This weeks note fragments:

Fundamental principle of Healing psychophysiological Centers, i.e. Chakras: If you can feel it, you can heal it.

tonal quality of group consciousness.  influences individuals in that group.

Tonal quality of a people cultures a society held and conveyed through individuals.

how to feel the group consciousnesss..  lost art of feeling what is. across the spectrum of life

drive through Asheville, and feel what is there

so caught up in mental trips that lost art to feel what actually is… hand on healing, chiropractic, MDs, .

working title:  Fascinating Studies in Cultural Dynamics

working blurb: Ancient Secret principles in clear display for those willing to look

people are waking up.  the only question is how far will it go before it reverses back to sanity

rebelling against the touchstone

What “high class” really means

Meeting such a high class individual made me realize how far we have to go as a culture… Very humbling

Brings to mind the question of what that tonal quality will be like in the golden age

We all live in the same cultural soup

happens by proximity, TV, books, etc.

media boom starting with TV significantly and then expanding to internet, etc. tends to create lowest common denominator, but as people see this happening more and more, will become committed to group consciousness of orders based upon nature of their psychophysiology’s… I.e. people will protect their minds.   drugs are another major component resulting in people resonating with lower common denominator

e.g. when i was a kid, public school upheld a particular level of group consciousness but that has degraded with mechanics described here.

higher values of group consciousness include refinement, dignity, wisdom, intelligence, grace, respect, for others nd for self, humility, culture integrity, decorum, polite social behavior

Monarchy ideal: dignity behavior personal conduct

Fascinating concept of a monarchy/ Queen Elizabeth apolitical though Britain clearly did some vile acts in the colonies

Orange marmalade sandwich

Asheville NC in top 10% crime cities in USA.  could feel decay in group consciousness over past years

asheville is antifa hub.  People avoid Asheeville…  nothing needed there anyway.

mayor and officials radical left. 

what it really means to be “out of touch”

radical left mayor and city officials….   amazing how we could just feel it when we

Research in ancient Vedic technologies already confirmed on small scale

Power of prayer.  Group Meditatiton

Statisticly proven to be valid

Enlightened City ancient secret: Global scale

to become enlightened, become the highest level of paradox


Current Event Tidbits:

At this point if anyone doesn’t see the absurdity of the open border, limitless printing of money, turning violent criminals loose, etc.  Then they are just not paying attention

Bloated federal government taking over So many things they have no right to take over such as education

China and Russia’s plans for a new world order

Most dangerous words in the English language “hello we are from the government and we are here to help” RR

“Do you believe in God?”

logic, feelings, and cultural integrity

you can justify anything with the intellect and people do

dramatic drop in christianity… here is why

Martha’s Vineyard: It’s not hypocrisy; it’s ‘privilege’

they would need to send 28,000 migrants to Martha’s vineyard to make it even with cities in texas

Strategic petroleum reserves now the lowest it’s been in decades to lower gas price before election,dangerous, many problems including making susceptible to foreign price hikes/control

“All government spending is taxation” Milton Friedman. Economist

Bill Maher “Magic Moral Time Machine”

woke judging people from 100s of years ago

fentanyl leading cause of death in US ages 18-45.  Coloring as candy and sidewalk chalk. Intentionally killing children… underground declaration of war

Obsession on any issue becomes its own enemy

Arguing on merits not as compelling as smear campaigns…Caustic

Human Nature?!

MAGA  called right extremist, insurrectionist

Calling democrats far left extremist then

slander opposition:

tea party.. balanced budget amendment

term limit, power to the people

name calling politics

“Joe Biden is best business partner Mexican cartels ever had”  Marjorie Taylor Green

Presumptive negativity: go straight to the declarative i.e. gossip, etc. a lie circles the world before the truth can put on its shoes.

Once heard, can not be unheard

Guilty before proven innocent

No verification

The need to want to prove that someone is less then

Nobody ever apologizes

years ago when Louse Lerner was head of the IRS we applied for Mt Soma Vedic University and were denied.  My accountant could not understand why so he reapplied and we were denied again.  RACISTS!

Power is never neutral//human nature/perspective

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Eternal Crystalline Touchstone

       blurb:  The ancient secret foundational mechanics revealed.  How the world actually works…

my unedited notes from the past week:

Queen Elizabeth influential history: Royalty/USConstitution mapping/correlation… Royalty is apolitical

no written constitution

will King Charles be political?

E.G. Can not divide property


The ancient secret foundational mechanics revealed.  How the world really works: the crystalline structure, underlying all life and existence

ratna, crystaliline energy of temple/enlightened city

ratna in first mandala Rig Veda

Yantra: gears,  moving

Mt Soma…Resonance: building a crystalline touchstone

       the veil of maya, illusion in all its forms

       blurb:  Mechanism of the emerging ratna,

Quantum mechanics the mechanics of the quantitization level of existence

Cycles of Time: the sun rises and sets

Conceptualization vs. Actualization: eternally elusive but now within our grasp.

“1000 points of light”… “crystalline city on the hill” deep inside everyone knows everything yet shrouded by identity/maya/samskaras

clean the fishbowl



       Ben Rich deathbed confession about UFOs

Skunk Works, Stealth,  Clarence “Kelly” Johnson,

See Ancient Aliens Declassified “top secret sites”

       Appx 90 minutes into the program I also believe he is the guy that a lecture at UCLA engineering said we have the technology to bring  ET home


Current Events:

Tearing down statues what it really means to the nation to the culture and to the individuals

       What does it really mean to be a great person to be a great public figure what is the role of public opinion

       The sour specter of hatred, veiled in the guise of righteous heroics, is the virus released within the world

       it comes in all forms: taliban, el queda, right/left political affiliation, conservative/liberal, religious/atheistic, black/white/brown/yellow, no end…

       What values the nation embodies as a people

       Working for versus working on the people


       Deepfake: beyond photoshop

       two most common perspectives: fear, judgment

most difficult to remember yet most critical context: Phase Transition

       Dawning of the Golden Age, the age of oblivions last hurrah

       Always darkest before the dawn

       undocumented not vaccinated, explain that!

       Words redefined to manipulate people

e.g. Fascism , racist, gender,  inflation, etc.

control the language and you control the people

Blackrock: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)

       Green New Deal: growing Global Suicide Pact

       Energy is control for example Europe is under control of Russia via pipeline on/off switch and if US turns over energy control also is turning over self determination

       Tick-tock USA versus tick-tock China…controlling mentality of nations

       China number one in education USA number 25

       US spends more per capita on education than any other nation

       Across nation children being sexually mutilated and sterilized puberty blockers increased suicide rate

Undermine culturaal integrity to overtake a nation


       We have the technologies and capabilities right now on this earth to bring peace and prosperity to all of humanity.  It is only the dedication to conflict that prevents us from making it so

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“Owning Others Feelings/Behaviors/Beliefs”

Ancient Secret art of reflection and the Crucible

This weeks notes unedited:

Ancient Secret art of reflection and the Crucible

‘Boat in water. No water boat.

Owning can occur as collusion or confrontation

Yet when people throw darts it naturally hurts

difficult particularly with family friends coworkers local national and international news

Retire inwardly, not react outwardly

The art of digestion

Two approaches to imperfection:

1] attack verbally

2] pitch in to help improve

The two types of memory one divine  [Smriti] the other the devil

Claire/Outlander:  “and if life is anything akin to God, i suppose that memory must be the devil”

How to [not to] think for yourself,,,

Momentum of mass mentality: everything from US Open to politics , human condition

“It’s no measure of good health, to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”

⁠— J. Krishnamurti

Trying to bury it or push it away it’s just a form of denial… answer: the Light of awareness heals.  The knowing IS the doing. 

Simplistic versions of deep spiritual concepts may just have their value for example to be God-fearing or regarding the notion of Satan ”his greatest strength is that people cannot recognize him even when they see him”

Mount Soma, the Crucible: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” Nelson Mandela

Udana vayu:  prana that carries past life karma with it.  Energy between 4ttth and 6th chakras. . Refined and you can do anything

Current human condition:  Emotionally based twisted convoluted passionate perspectives of one and other.  or is it just a fishbowl that desperately needs to be cleaned?

all knowledge dwells within… just refine the awareness to find it… easier said than done


‘thank god we are not getting all the government we are paying for’  Will Rogers

“George Orwells 1984 cease to be a warning and become rather a suggestion?” 

Biden speech, I have heard many comments: tyranny, felt like Red bricks of hell, could part with blood spewing forth, spooky

typical political motivations? #1money, #2 staying out of jail

Student loan forgiveness estimate cost $1 trillion.  If you were given $1 million every single day since the birth of Christ he would have less than 3/4 of $1 trillion

IMPORTANT EXPERIMENT: “ is the sky blue, red, green, gold, white or …”

Go back and forth from MSNBC TO FOX NEWS coverage of Mira Lago… stressed me out.   there no truth outside the Gates of Eden [Dylan]

Be ahead of the time.  That’s how you transform the world”  Billy Jean King

“Just be sure the world is headed in the right direction” mm

working title: of by and for what? the people?money?  ivory tower? Or what?

Europe preparing for winter: to freeze in poverty hoarding wood and coal

Tons of ammo sent to Ukraine has depleted our military supply and we have not tracked what was done with the ammo pentagon says has compromised our preparedness for defense…..Senseless suffering.

China’s hidden war on cultural integrity: FENTANYL , woke…  How to defeat a nation… destablize the culture

Ivory tower politics: wants to do double backflip with a triple half Gainer off a high knuckle board landing with 1 foot on a thimble

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

The Ancient Secret Fundamental Blueprint of Life and Existence

Essential yet lost knowledge and the consequences.

Also second podcast: Dr Mamas Talks with Mount Soma Guests

Unedited notes from the past week:  

“There is a River”  edgar cayce… song by Bill Gaither

deeper meaning in so many biblical quotes and concepts.  Panditji and I enjoy signs outside local churches.

I.e. awaken to the transcendental essence [heart] of your being which lies far beyond the emotional heart.

What is God and are there multiple gods?  One God, multiple faces/names/aspects

Human condition in a nutshell:

“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.”

Power of identity  [habit]  just understand how the word ‘identity’ is used here.

what is natural and how do you know? what is natural law

 natural vs.conservative vs. liberal

what is unnatural?

Looking to nature can give insight.

the magnitude of effect of state of global consciousness has is vastly underestimated

In the golden age, the earth will bear its treasures. No idea how grand those treasures are.

Current Events:

most dangerous words in english language: “Hello, we are from the government and we are here to help”  R. R.

World is sadly emotionally based.  Not logically and only loosely teathered to true base, i.e. transcendental essence [“There is a River”]

“Prosecution by leak. “. Kimberly Strassel

slander, rumor, how the world works

“Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat.”


student loan debt transfer [it is not cancelation].. buying votes

raid university slush funds?

$2k per working american [appx 157k of them] to pick up student loan tab of $300k

main cause of inflation is government spending…

second is stupid regulations

Texas dinosaur footprints in dried out river bed..  113 million years old, appx. 60 feet tall, 44 tons.

Working title:  when will all the endless blunders stop

“Donald Trumps vaccine”  if that label can be made to stick, the truth of the damage of the vaccine will come out.

Trump was the one that pushed the vaccine through and the Democrats would then blame him

Some say Mar-a-Lago docs implicate Obama and Clinton in Russia fraud

“Trust in God with your whole heart” versus “Know God with the

2035 no gas cars in Cal. fiasco washington following suit

Electric car blunder

As we predicted a backlash against the anti-big bang theory is underway.  Identities die hard even in face of proof.

Cosmic hum emitted for rocks in space, not big bang.  Cosmic microwave background radiation

3 degrees Kelvin  not cooling from big bang

Universe much warmer ages ago

Roman empire all over again… corruption, convolution of motives,

Adding lead to silver coins.  When the currency fall, the empire falls.

amazing how numerology predictions fit what we have been saying

Hang in there 2025

100 years from now will look back at this time with awe and wonder

Egalitarian Vs equity

What does it mean to cast a vote?  Congress Senate essentially ALL dems vote one way and ALL republicans another?!

It’s not a vote; it’s a coercion

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Ancient Secret Underlying Motivations: Churning the Ocean of Life

My unedited notes from the past week:

No Thing is Not Nothing

The Establishment vs Ageless Wisdom, Rebellion vs Evolution

Working Title:  The Churning of the Ocean and The Upcoming Enlightened Age

‘the only true knowing…’

nothing vs. ‘no thing’

pure consciousness = isness = consciousness before it is

conscious of a ‘thing’… the illusion of ‘other… maya

Big Bang video:  last 2 minutes James Youtube video: 

Webb Telescope’s Discovery of Galaxies That Shatters the Big Bang Theory

working title:  what is happening to us all?

      Not about Democrat versus Republican but rather about the establishment versus those who oppose it

gas prices down because depleting strategic  oil reserves… frightening.

      are we all going crazy?  has the world gone mad?

      i have begun grinding 1 or 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds daily and adding to oatmeal.

      The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen

      antoine de saint-exupery

      Defund FBI bumper sticker made me chuckle.

’The man who hears a different drum a-drummin’”  Thoreau

Yin creates yang.. ‘round and ‘round.. racism goes full circle… affirmative action or racism?

      ‘i supposed that memory must be the devil’  claire outlander…

working title:   the ancient secret of past lives lives… why we can’t remember

      Star chamber—vigilante in government.. Henry viii

      Tulsi Gabbard

Entrenched unelected Washington bureaucracy

      Referred to as the “swamp”

      Stochastic terrorism—vogue on both sides of most debates

      Career bureaucrats

      Status quo establishment… Mitch McConnell

      Motivation is perhaps the most difficult thing to understand with respect other people as well as ourselves

      Why do people do the things they do?

      Entrenched unelected bureaucracy,  some call it deep state, swamp, Big government, status quo, Career bureaucrats, gravy train, Selfish interest conglomerate…. Call it what you will but when someone like a tick is enjoying the benefits of the establishment as is it can become their primary focus to keep it going in the name of money power or self protection

      This becomes an inpenetrable Conglomerate that permeates all levels and branches of government and society

Epidemic:  e.g. big bang, world is flat, etc.


      According to Epoc Times FBI authored the request for a search warrant

            Ukraine nuclear power plant gas and oil for Europe Moscow chaos China and Russia working together total mess

      Famine nuclear holocaust energy crisis mess

      Strategic oil reserve 1/3 depleted

      70% of weaponry and funds to Ukraine from US never make it there

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