Moksha:  What it is and is not

This week’s unedited notes:

opening thoughts:

veda: it is all there. yet remarkably ignored in world history

for example, history has no idea of cognition.  claim this or that veda was written this or that many years ago… no notion of eternal

Veda is language of nature, not language of man

Notions of Truth perceived as Truth hold Truth at bay


Moksha:  What it is and is not:

all I or anyone can do is speak from their own level of awareness… no USDA stamp comes with it. 

i.e. if someone says they are enlightened, they are not’

 at the same time, when it happens you know something major happened.

but that of course does not mean when something major happens, it is necessarily moksha.  e.g. left-handed tantra.

I get it syndrome.. it’s not what u think…

idealized notions: Hollywood version of enlightenment

path to enlightenment [Brahman Consciousness] in the real world.  

after enlightenment life is same but totally different: fully awake to bliss at depth of being

loneliness… want to share but really can’t.

in quiet moments rest into that bliss at the depth

people drawn to the shakti but many cannot handle it… too close to the sun and get a sunburn.

chiranjeevi vs brahma chaitanya:   and the mind

the truth about good deed doers

everyone senses it.  but it is a matter of clarity/integration at the depth.  

support the sense, while not feeding the delusions.  support and respect are number one

brahma chaitanya:  body/mind still have karma, you still have your childhood psychodynamic structure, 

positive attracts negative vs support of nature

‘life is bliss?’, freedom from desire? kicked around like football

conforming to God’s will vs expecting God to conform to yours

‘healthy relationship with’ is key

reality continuum

docking station into the mother ship

“if you don’t like your personality, you better change it now because after you get enlightened you won’t care” Swami Muktananda

enlightened misunderstood [projective identification] … judged by mentality of global consciousness in kali yuga

enlightened long to share it, but know better:  self is revealed by self, through self, to self

false prophets play up to global consciousness…  ‘opiate of masses’

racism is cultural integrity gone insane

“He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.” 

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Shiva Sutras: The Ultimate Invitation

This week’s unedited notes:

Ancient Secrets Revealed:  Shiva Sutras and the three remarkable secrets of Brahman Consciousness 

Join me as we explore the ultimate frontier: Hidden channels of the mind, soul, essence, divinity, Brahman.

Memorized facts matter little compared to concepts/understanding.  

Is there really such a thing a Rishi/Devata/Chhandas?  Can the unbreakable be broken into bits?  

Join me as we explore the ultimate frontier, that which lies within.

what is the subconscious?

Sutra/Sutras/Sutra-s   Properly the ’s’ at the end is incorrect but often added to clarify/interface with convention of other languages

Here is the best link i have found online to study the Shiva Sutras:

Shiva Sutra and You

the hidden chitta. i.e. “the shadow”, vritti: modulations of the mind

We are all like fine violins.  Must be cared for properly… carefully.  But maybe just don’t really know how to do that.  And even if we do know how, it is not so easy to do it.  We’ve been finely tuned from time to time, but like a fine instrument, we must care over our minds.  The more evolved, the more refined, the stronger, the more delicate, the more nurturing required to maintain the balanced perfection.  That is why it is considered improper to even make loud noises around the enlightened.  Infinitely dynamic, flexible, powerful, yet delicate… 

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Understanding Life: Shiva Sutras

This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:

Deep dive into the Shiva Sutras here. Then some practical reflections.  How much things would change if people first understood life, then lived accordingly.  

karma + prana = mind

there was no beginning

without relative, there is no Brahman

why our worlds intersect… 

Brahman is known from the Upanishads alone!!!!

can also see Brahma Sutras 3.3.3 [extricating of nectar] and 2.1.10  [form, taste, etc. not to be found in Pradhana]

devata value defines the process 

Shiva Parvati

the fabulous knowledge in the Shiva Sutra and Brahma Sutra


Reflection on Current Events:

When we think of the world situations, let’s think of the children first.  Maybe that would help us see things most clearly.  Perhaps then, we would think, as number one, to end violence wherever we see it.  I don’t know, but maybe economic sanctions make more sense than bombing raids.  Doesn’t it?  Funding violence doesn’t make all that much sense, does it?  I imagine weapons as self-defense is necessary at times.  But wasn’t it even Napoleon that said that money is the essential ingredient to war.. something like that.  Should we not think first of funding wars but rather think of defunding aggression?

When I think of the world, my heart goes out to the innocent children.  Yet it seems so many think first of hate, judgement, retaliation, and money.  What about the innocent children?   Things would change so much if we first thought of the innocent children.  That certainly should transcend greed, power, politics, racism, hatred, judgement, retaliation, and so many vile masters that seem to take precedence in global decision making.  

Perhaps we could take some well informed time to reflect deeply and thoughtfully upon the following topics in the context of what is best for our children:




North Korea

the world is not as we have been lead to believe

cost of essentials up 18% since Biden took office

wind mills and climate change

electric cars: the reality, pragmatics, and the dream

oil production currently way up in USA

auto insurance double and tripling

hunter biden

AI.  artificial intelligence pros and cons

climate change, what is the reality? 

Nicola Tesla—unlimited positive energies in our planet.. the earth

What are our priorities?

Simple!: Just clean the fish bowl of global consciousness

Mount Soma and the Vedic technology offered by the Rishis

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

How to Cultivate a Healthy Mind.

This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:

 The Soul, the Key to Healthy Relationships; The Mind and Immortality

The knowledge is infinite.  I know only a thin sliver.  We can spend a lifetime of study and will not know it all.  Even Vedic pandits know only one of the four Vedas.  Focus on what evolves you, thereby know the one thing by which all else is known.

Someone asked me what I experience from reading Sanskrit Vedic Literature.  Sanskrit letters are the seeds of foundation of relative existence.  Reading it, one can feel it.  Attune to most fundamental level of existence… those are the manifestations of the finest level of existence… the fundamental building block of existence… pure knowledge, truth within source of ones being, the Self.

Vedic sounds are more important than the meaning 

Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras:  I like the following verse as a guideline to relationships:

1.33 In relationships, the mind becomes purified by cultivating feelings of friendliness towards those who are happy, compassion for those who are suffering, goodwill towards those who are virtuous, and indifference or neutrality [equanimity] towards those we perceive as wicked or evil [negative… Rakshasa value]

This can also be read to include relationship with your own self.

Brahma Chaitanya is a supreme attainment, yet the house can still be made of mud.  The mind is like a monkey jumping from tree to tree.  Its purification is leads to the next step:  jivanmukti leads in the direction Chiranjivi (Sanskrit: चिरञ्जीवि) the immortals

the power of speech… your rate of evolution comes to a significant degree from your speech.

‘controlling’ the mind…  effortlessly verses with effort…  two distinctly different interpretations of scripture, e.g. Yoga Sutras.  

speaks to reality continuum existence .. levels of existence, of understanding of sanskrit and sutras.

I read Yoga Sutras in Sanskrit, listen to the recitation, read different translations and compare translations…. each from its own level of understanding/interpretation.

A significant example is the interpretation of the word ‘control’ … for example, controlling the mind.

Some say effortless by resting into transcendent, like in Brahma Sutra verse about Dharma coming from Brahman  

Yet more often traditionally control comes from effort on surface of life.  

Both are true.  As is said, Effortless control comes from the depth of being; but surface control is of value as well: don’t do what you know is wrong, and if you even think it might be wrong, don’t do it.  But practically speaking, just do your best.  “Do not look for perfection in the relative, it is not there..”

Before enlightenment people reincarnate to work out karma.  After enlightenment they reincarnate to fulfill a purpose.   Yet after enlightenment, the body still can have karma.  That becomes obvious if you study the lives of the enlightened.

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Brahman Consciousness Fast Track


clean the fish bowl is the only solution

if thousands of years of history has proven one thing, it is that current approaches to world peace do not work: clean the fish bowl is the only answer:  Mt Soma is dedicated to that; residents gain liberation in the process

Kamila Valieva Russian skater



This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:

‘bounded’ works here in place of ‘small’:

scripture, cognition, teaching, movement,  

both eternal and changing

 Maharishi: ‘These are Brahma Sūtras (sūtras about Brahman), not Jagat sūtras (sūtras about the world).’

you are Brahma   

“I am Brahma[n]”

The World Reveals Brahman

pashya: ’see’ and early Brahma Chaitanya [Brahman Consciousness]

K + A = KA, manifest [consonates] are rooted in unbounded [unmanifest]

without the observer, there is no pillow

Ramayana in the Physiology:

Ravana:  specificity [space, time, etc.] ultimately a misunderstanding about reality, Rama restores Absolute in awareness… why Lanka is so beautiful

projection/perception:  our sensory functions project a ‘reality’ onto the Absolute; Brahman is all of this together: a level of consciousness, not a ‘thing’.  point of view creates ones ‘reality’ [e.g. science, religion, business, music, etc.]; is physiological as well determined by karma as education, heritage, etc. [dynamics of structure of physiology], can view from any perspective and is fine if it ultimately meets all other perspectives

Bhagavad Gita 9.8:  curving back on myself I create over and over again

Trimutri and Prakritis: structure, function, purpose:

what defines silence [Shiva] is sound [Parvati], everything is creation is Parvati [Prakriti], She is every structure that defines every space. Parvati is Prakriti of Shiva

Vishnu dynamism, function is Lakshmi… Prakriti of Vishnu:dynamism is Lakshmi:function

Brahma Knowledge Prakriti is Saraswati Organizing Power [Plan] …  House has a function but how to use it is a plan. Brahma holds the 4 Veda… logic, plan 

Purusha is all of them together:  they are all the same thing seen from different perspectives/realities

Ram is Brahm… Totality… The embodiment of Chaitanya [the Absolute]… the 50% of Vishnu: the embodiment of the other parts, the other 50%…. takes all values and puts them together in their full value in wholeness

This is full; that is full.  from Fullness comes Fullness Upanishad from Shukla Yajur Veda

My universe is my self

Atma is subjective, personal, individual: yet in a wholistic or collective manner/way.  

experience atma as the field of sensory perception

  Silence, or space, is found as Shiva.

He Who Has No Name observes without bias the illusion

Consciousness is Brahman (Prajnanam Brahma). 

 Upanishad 3.1.3

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Our Universe Through The Eyes of Brahman

This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:

Hiranyagarbha anatomy, yoga sutra, Who is Rama 

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”



clean the fish bowl is the only solution

if thousands of years of history has proven one thing, it is that current approaches to world peace do not work: clean the fish bowl is the only answer:  Mt Soma is dedicated to that; residents gain liberation in the process

remodeling kitchen so no food service at Mt Soma for a while. 


pashya: ’see’ and early Brahma Chaitanya [Brahman Consciousness]

K + A = KA, manifest [consonates] are rooted in unbounded [unmanifest]

without the observer, there is no pillow

Ramayana in the Physiology:

Ravana:  specificity [space, time, etc.] ultimately a misunderstanding about reality, Rama restores Absolute in awareness… why Lanka is so beautiful

projection/perception:  our sensory functions project a ‘reality’ onto the Absolute; Brahman is all of this together: a level of consciousness, not a ‘thing’.  point of view create ones ‘reality’ [e.g. science, religion, business, music, etc.]; is physiological as well determined by karma as education, heritage, etc. [dynamics of structure of physiology], can view from any perspective and is fine if it ultimately meets all other perspectives

dark matter?  chaos? ,,, not our concern,,, vastness of the universe… logical coherence of manifest is like ‘windows’ in a crystal… e.g. in a herkimer diamond

you are eternal

Bhagavad Gita 9.8:  curving back on myself I create over and over again

Trimutri and Prakritis: structure, function, purpose:

what defines silence [Shiva] is sound [Parvati], everything is creation is Parvati [Prakriti], She is every structure that defines every space Parvati is Prakriti of Shiva

Vishnu dynamism, function is Lakshmi… Prakriti of Vishnu:dynamism is Lakshmi:function

Brahma Knowledge Prakriti is Saraswati Organizing Power [Plan] …  House has a function but how to use it is a plan. Brahma holds the 4 Veda… logic, plan 

Purusha is all of them together:  they are alll the same thing seen from different perspectives/realities

Ram is Brahm… Totality… The embodiment of Chaitanya [the Absolute] … the 50% of Vishnu: the embodiment of the other parts, the other 50%…. takes all values and puts them together in their full value in wholeness

This is full; that is full. From Fullness comes Fullness Brahm Upanishad from Shukla Yajur Veda

Ram takes all values of specificity, perspectives, and puts them all together in terms of unified whole… Brahm

Vastu is study of space defined by walls, etc.

dissolution and creation of universe

My universe is my self

Atma is subjective, personal, individual: yet in a wholistic or collective manner/way.  

experience atma as the field of sensory perception

Silence, or space, is found as Shiva.

He Who Has No Name observes without bias the illusion

Why the enlightened are not easy to understand:

what is “this’?  What is “that”?  In enlightenment, what was ‘this’ becomes ‘that’ and what was ‘that’’ becomes ‘this’.  God is closer than people think.

Veda is not easy to interpret/understand:  meaning on many levels [even pandits interpret with different meanings… language of nature, not just of humans

For him who does not know being [the transcendent] what can the hymns of Veda accomplish?

what lies beyond [not born of] the mind… cosmic intelligence… foundation of natural thoughts… in harmony with nature.  


Consciousness is Brahman (Prajnanam Brahma). 

 Upanishad 3.1.3

“I have decided to stick with love.    Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Brahman Explores the Upanishads

This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this weeks podcast:

Upanishad from different levels of reality


clean the fish bowl is the only solution

if thousands of years of history has proven one thing, it is that current approaches to world peace do not work: clean the fish bowl is the only answer:  Mt Soma is dedicated to that; residents gain liberation in the process

remodeling kitchen so no food service at Mt Soma for a while. 


dissolution and creation of universe

My universe is my self

experience atma as the field of sensory perception

  Silence, or space, is found as Shiva.

He Who Has No Name observes without bias the illusion

Why the enlightened are not easy to understand:

what is “this’?  What is “that”?  In enlightenment, what was ‘this’ becomes ‘that’ and what was ‘that’’ becomes ‘this’.  God is closer than people think.

Veda is not easy to interpret/understand:  meaning on many levels [even pandits interpret with different meanings… language of nature, not just of humans

For him who does not know being [the transcendent] what can the hymns of Veda accomplish?

what lies beyond [not born of] the mind… cosmic intelligence… foundation of natural thoughts… in harmony with nature.  


Consciousness is Brahman (Prajnanam Brahma). 

 Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Where is the Light of God?

This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:


Gun Violence: the only solution

remodeling kitchen so no food service at Mt Soma for a while.

Gyan is foundation of success.  


Subtlety Within Words is Everything   Aham Vishvam   My universe is myself [Brahman Viewpoint] … vs I am the universe.  [Relative Viewpoint; Taittiriya Upanishad 3.10   Brahman Consciousness [Brahmi Chetana] in a Nutshell

Pragyanam Brahma— fully awake consciousness [knowledge] is Brahman

God’s Will Manifests through you, as you.   People think of the Light of God [God’s Will] as something outside in themselves. The Light of God emerges within people…. through their hearts through their determination through the light in their eye, through a commitment to the Purity underlying their ideals.  God’s will emerges within you, as you, as your thoughts, as your feelings….   the clearer the vessel, the fuller the expression.  God’s Will is found within you, as you.  It does not lie outside yourself but rather IS your True Self.: Atma Support of Nature flows within you.  We have only to clear the vessel.

The Gold is in your backyard, i.e. within you.

the physiology is the veda… shareer  

Why the enlightened are not easy to understand:

what is “this’?  What is “that”?  In enlightenment, what was ‘this’ becomes ‘that’ and what was ‘that’’ becomes ‘this’.  God is closer than people think.

For him who does not know being [the transcendent] what can the hymns of Veda accomplish?

what lies beyond [not born of] the mind… cosmic intelligence… foundation of natural thoughts… in harmony with nature.  


Consciousness is Brahman (Prajnanam Brahma). 

 Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”


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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Essential Knowledge: Brahmanas, Vedic Literature, & You

Knowledge of Gap & Brief Review

This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:


Eclipse, Mars/Ketu

temple “Updates&Reflections” tab

remodeling kitchen so no food service at Mt Soma for a while.

Gyan is foundation of success.  


Psychodynamic key to happiness: How to view others, the world, and yourself

devata…observation effects observed… heisenberg yajur veda observing, creating, offering

what you see you become… new values of rishi, devata, chhandas emerge

vedic literature is ‘commentary’ or expressions of qualities of Brahmanas [the gaps] between mantras/words

knowledge and experience:  knowledge changes experience.  Veda/Brahma Sutras gives knowledge of the experience.

with last stroke of knowledge life opens up to infinite integration

when the ocean is there, the waves are bound to come up.  Richas ‘seek out’ those who are awake

Richas are just the expressions of consciousness

if consciousness is full, understanding will be full [comprehension of full meaning/value]

the physiology is veda… shareer  

For him who does not know being [the transcendent] what can the hymns of Veda accomplish?

what lies beyond [not born of] the mind… cosmic intelligence… foundation of natural thoughts… in harmony with nature.  


Consciousness is Brahman (Prajnanam Brahma). 

 Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.

Ancient Secret Revealed: How to Attain Immortality

blurb: Matter and the Mind, Chiranjivi, Beyond Brahma Chaitanya

Buddhi,Thoughts and Emotions, Sanskrit, refining the nervous system 


This week’s unedited notes randomly collected, loosely or directly related to this week’s podcast:


Eclipse, Mars/Ketu

temple “Updates&Reflections” tab

remodeling kitchen so no food service at Mt Soma for a while.

Gyan is foundation of success.  


For him who does not know being [the transcendent] what can the hymns of Veda accomplish?

what lies beyond [not born of] the mind… cosmic intelligence… foundation of natural thoughts… in harmony with nature.  


how to view others, how to view the world 


Vriti,,,5 types

Consciousness is Brahman (Prajnanam Brahma). 

 Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3

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© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.